Just registered to say thank you. Great work on the timeline!
I have one question... I just read USM #123, and #124. How is Fury back? Admittedly I did not read the non-Ultimate titles in the list, but last I read, he was in another universe. How/when did he get back here in USM?
Fury was forced to stay in the Squadron Supreme universe at the end of Ultimate Power. He then appears
in the Squadron universe in the Sqaudron Supreme (Vol. 2) series, as listed in the timeline. He returns to the Ultimate universe in Ultimatum. The mention of him in USM #123-124 must be a mistake (or just a mention or accident on part of the character mentioning him), since USM #123-124 occur before USM #129-133 (which occur just prior to and during Ultimatum).
This being the fifth edition of the time line, I'm sure you've had this discussion before, but I've been rereading my marvel super hero stuff one more time before I head to college and a question on placement has come up.
Ultimate War is listed as taking place after "The Ultimates" concludes, but I picked up on what seemed like several explicit references to it being around the time of issue 7 or 8. The White House official hopes that the Ultimates are as capable as fighting mutants as they are at monsters (no mention of aliens), Hawkeye and the Black Widow have just barely gone public, and Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch are still uncomfortable with their teammates, which I find more believable after issue 7 or 8.
What led you to position the mini after "The Ultimates"?
This is probably best answered by a question asked early on in Version 3.0:
Just a moment, just a moment.
I think, emphasis on the word think (seeing as I don't do much of it) that there's a mistake in the timeline....
Ultimate War comes after the entirety of Ultimates volume 1 right? We've even been told that by official sources right? It happens during the one year gap between Ultimates volumes 1 and 2 right?
But take a closer look at the characters Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver in particular. They work for the first time with the Ultimates during Ultimate War. This much is evident from their behaviour and dialogue, in particular Wanda, who shows paranoia and distrust before entering the Ultimates' war room. But...... during Homeland Security, Fury mentions something along the lines of SW and QS being moved from black ops to the public team, and it seems everyone already knows them, and has perhaps worked with them.
Now, I don't exactly have the issues to hand, so if there's some piece of dialogue that contradicts me then say so, and I'll skulk away with a red face and not post for a few days out of embarassment. But, I'm sure I remember at least the gist of the characters and plot lines in both Ultimates and Ultimate War.
Fuzzy Birds, I got the impression that things were wierd between the rest of the Ultimates and Scarlet Witch/Quicksilver during Ultimate War because of WHO they were fighting and because of their past affiliations. It would stand to reason that there would be apprehension between the two groups, i.e. when it all comes to a head, which side will those two stand with, etc.
Yeah I thought that myself, but I distinctly remember something Wanda says that heavily implies that Ultimate War was the first official meeting between the siblings and the Ultimates.
Alright, in the first issue of Ultimate War, around page 20 by my count, the Ultimates are holding a staff meeting that the Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver walk in on where everybody is giving them the cold shoulder. Finally, Cap breaks the ice by saying that both of them have done enough missions for the US government to warrant being trusted by the Ultimates. Then he goes on to out Black Widow for having a checkered past herself.
So yeah, Ultimate War happens after Ultimates Vol. 1. It isn't apparent, but the fact that Quicksilver/Scarlet Witch are black ops members of the team who haven't done much until the very END of Ultimates Vol. 1, then have done some stuff as mentioned in Ultimate War (and several other factors determined by the continuities of other Ultimate titles) is why I placed it as I did. I honestly can't remember any other specifics than that, but I can say its placement is the one that makes the most sense when factoring in the other titles' continuities, as well as the universe's uber-continuity.
I just confused myself.
I love the timeline, and I found it a big help when trying to tackle the entire Ultimate line in order a couple of years ago. Thank you for the time and effort you've put into it.
I was wondering about the placing of Ultimate Enemy though. This may have been touched upon before, but I haven't seen it anywhere that I've looked.
I think that the Ultimate Enemy mini may be set before USM (Vol. 2) #6. I'm basing this whole theory mainly on Bobby and Johnny's hair, but it also seems to me like there's a slight time-lapse between issues 5 and 6 of USM.
I'm aware that the whole hair ting may just be an error on the artists part and, let's face it, Bendis isn't exactly Captain Continuity so he probably wouldn't have picked up on it, but for the sake of continuity (and because it doesn't harm the story in any way), I'd personally put Ultimate Enemy between issues 5 & 6 of USM.
Read USM (Vol 2) #7-8, which feature Rick Jones. These take place before Ultimate Enemy/Ultimate Mystery/Ultimate Doom because Rick Jones only wakes up from his coma in USM (Vol 2) #7-8, and he'll play a big role in Ultimate Mystery/Doom. Its possible to break it up and place USM (vol. 2) #7-8 after Enemy and before Mystery, but I think it makes more sense to take the approach I have, and leave Enemy/Mystery/Doom together until I'm forced to break them up. As it stands now, though, I see no reason too.
And also, the hair thing you mentioned could be attributed (as you mentioned) to different artists. But putting it between #5 and 6 unnecessarily interupts the flow the the arc (USM Vol 2 #1-6). I have to check when I get home, so I can't remember how #5 end and #6 begins, but I know it involved Spidey going after Mysterio, so I don't think TOO much time happens between #5 and #6.
Also, given the events of Enemy (Peter's house being trashed, Aunt May and Gwen having to hide from the unnamed enemy of UE, etc), I doubt they happen between #5 and #6 with no mention or explanation given in the title of USM itself. Another factor that'll weigh in is Kitty's status in Ultimate Mystery/Doom. If she doesn't appear at all, it would make sense to inch Enemy/Mystery/Doom up, at least before USM (Vol. 2) #9, but I have to wait until Ultimate Mystery (and possibly Ultimate Doom) are released to see if Kitty/Kong are mentioned, shown, etc.
Basically, I have to wait and see. But for now, I think the way I have it makes the most sense when factoring in all those...um, factors.