Ultimate Marvel Timeline / Chronology (v. 3.0)

Not really. The War of the Symbiotes arc concretely makes the USM game Ultimate canon. Sure, it wasn't a smooth translation of the game, but close enough.

And again, the USM game is the only piece of Ultimate story which explains Goblin's escape from SHIELD custody after Ultimate Six.

If DIB had a nickle for every time he's had this discussion with a new guy...
I know you've been asked time and time again. I' m not a new guy, just don't post regularly like some, i've been hear for well over a year. I understand why it's been put where it is. I was just re-reading the war of the symbiotes arc and my take on it is that it does not retell the events of the game but instead re-writes the events of the game. Two different ways of reading the arc i suppose. I guess it's how you want to read it.
I know you've been asked time and time again. I' m not a new guy, just don't post regularly like some, i've been hear for well over a year.

No worries, I know you've been here awhile. I'm annoyed with myself for procrastinating with the FAQ for the timeline, which would cover all the often asked questions of why I placed stuff as I did.

I understand why it's been put where it is. I was just re-reading the war of the symbiotes arc and my take on it is that it does not retell the events of the game but instead re-writes the events of the game. Two different ways of reading the arc i suppose. I guess it's how you want to read it.

Very true. And when it comes down to it, War of the Symbiotes really did re-write or re-interpret the events of the game...but, since there are elements of the game which I feel should have been addressed in the comic but weren't--namely Norman/Goblin's escape from SHIELD courtesy of the Beetle--I've felt it should stay.

I'm just taking the approach of ignoring any little continuity bumps between the two so as to integrate both into the continuity.
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I'm sure it's probably been addressed before but I wanted to ask, why is Deadpool: Merc with a Mouth in your time line? I don't think anything in that comic has anything to do with the Ultimate Universe. I realize that is involves a character (or characters? I haven't read it) from the Zombie Universe, which had a direct impact on the Ultimate Universe, but personally I think the Ultimate Marvel time line should only include the Ultimate comics (of course), and the comics featuring characters from other universes that have interacted with characters from the Ultimate Universe. If you include comics that have secondary connections (characters that have interacted with characters that have interacted with Ultimate characters) then it's just going to get ridiculous. In that case you'd have to include a whole lot more. So really I don't think it should be included. I also don't think Marvel Zombies 4 has any characters that interacted with the Ultimate Fantastic Four during Crossover (the Zombie Universes only connection to the Ultimate Universe) but I could be wrong there as well as they encountered a LOT of zombies.

However, I do think the members of the Earth-712 Squadron Supreme that appeared in Ultimate Power and their respective comic books should be included in the time line. They had an all out brawl with the Ultimate Universe's heroes, which is a much more important connection than UnDeadpool's head has with anything. If you want I can definitely help you out with where all the Earth-712 Squadron Supreme's issues fit in (don't worry, there aren't that many).
I'm sure it's probably been addressed before but I wanted to ask, why is Deadpool: Merc with a Mouth in your time line? I don't think anything in that comic has anything to do with the Ultimate Universe. I realize that is involves a character (or characters? I haven't read it) from the Zombie Universe, which had a direct impact on the Ultimate Universe, but personally I think the Ultimate Marvel time line should only include the Ultimate comics (of course), and the comics featuring characters from other universes that have interacted with characters from the Ultimate Universe. If you include comics that have secondary connections (characters that have interacted with characters that have interacted with Ultimate characters) then it's just going to get ridiculous. In that case you'd have to include a whole lot more. So really I don't think it should be included. I also don't think Marvel Zombies 4 has any characters that interacted with the Ultimate Fantastic Four during Crossover (the Zombie Universes only connection to the Ultimate Universe) but I could be wrong there as well as they encountered a LOT of zombies.

However, I do think the members of the Earth-712 Squadron Supreme that appeared in Ultimate Power and their respective comic books should be included in the time line. They had an all out brawl with the Ultimate Universe's heroes, which is a much more important connection than UnDeadpool's head has with anything. If you want I can definitely help you out with where all the Earth-712 Squadron Supreme's issues fit in (don't worry, there aren't that many).

The difference is the Zombie Deadpool sprung out of a story which is inherently connected to the Ultimate verse. The way I look at it, the few stories happening in the 616 universe (Marvel Zombies 3 - 4, Deadpool - Merc with a Mouth) are happening in a similar but separate universe from the Ultimate verse. Thereby it allows inclusion of certain stories (MZ 3, 4, D-MwaM) without relying on their universe's complete "history", as the Ultimate timeline does.

Its just an attempt to be as comprehensive as possible. If you don't feel it should be included, then by all means ignore it. However, some people might want it included, so I leave it there for placement purposes.

Its a weird logic, I know, but I think it works...kind of.
Fair enough. Just my personal opinion. I'm so happy you never gave up on this timeline. I still follow it every time a new ultimate trade comes out.
Fair enough. Just my personal opinion. I'm so happy you never gave up on this timeline. I still follow it every time a new ultimate trade comes out.

Thanks. That actually means a lot. To know there are still people out there that give a crap (besides just me and Captaincanuck65) is a real motivator.

Ideally, I'd like to stick with it and keep doing it right up until the end. Hopefully there won't be many more Loeb-like stories such as Ultimate Power--which really did cause me to give up on the timeline, albeit temporarily--hence Joe Kalicki's un-updated Ultimate Timeline 4.0.
Gregory Stark
the son of
Howard and Loni Stark
when they were married?

We don't know. Millar created the character long after Card wrote UIM and its sequel mini, so Gregory's existence at this point is sort of a retcon. Of course, there's a theory that Gregory Stark is actually Tony from the future, thereby making an Ultimate version of Kang. I hope its true, it'd be genius.
We don't know. Millar created the character long after Card wrote UIM and its sequel mini, so Gregory's existence at this point is sort of a retcon. Of course, there's a theory that Gregory Stark is actually Tony from the future, thereby making an Ultimate version of Kang. I hope its true, it'd be genius.

Okay. 'Cause somebody put him as Howard and Maria Stark's son on the Marvel Comics Database and it had me wondering. The way you've learned and studied these stories, I think you'd be a great contributor to the Ultimate portion of the wiki. And the respective universes that have collided with the Ultimate.

And is
Wolverine still alive
? Click here for the image.
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And is
Wolverine still alive
? Click here for the image.

I think that it is a
Wolverine clone
of some sort. Either that or
a small piece of him has regenerated
. But as the "new" character is much younger and blond, I don't think they are the same person.
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I think that it is a
Wolverine clone
of some sort. Either that or
a small piece of him has regenerated
. But as the "new" character is much younger and blond, I don't think they are the same person.

Well I heard Wolverine was clenching his fist in the last shot of him in Ultimatum I think. It's only what I've heard. I'll never see it until they digitize the comic on Marvel Digital Comics.
Okay. 'Cause somebody put him as Howard and Maria Stark's son on the Marvel Comics Database and it had me wondering. The way you've learned and studied these stories, I think you'd be a great contributor to the Ultimate portion of the wiki. And the respective universes that have collided with the Ultimate.

Cool. I should get around to that.

And is
Wolverine still alive
? Click here for the image.

No. Wolverine is dead. I guarantee this "new" Wolverine will have some nonsense origin courtesy of Loeb. Probably involving this new Wolverine growing out of the old Wolverine's turd or something.

Well I heard Wolverine was clenching his fist in the last shot of him in Ultimatum I think. It's only what I've heard. I'll never see it until they digitize the comic on Marvel Digital Comics.

He was. The only part of Wolverine to survive the blast (brought about by Magneto controlling Iron Man's armor and Cyclop's visor to blast Wolverine to bits) was his forearm, and only the skeleton of it. There wasn't any flesh on it as I recall, so I doubt there was anything for Wolverine's healing factor to regrow himself from. Of course, the comic book science is all up in the air anyway, so I don't doubt at some point that the original Wolverine will return, somewhere down the road...since thats just how these things work.

My question is this: is Rick Jones the new Wolverine, or is it a completely new character? Its like a train wreck...I know it'll be horrible, but I can't turn away.
In Ultimate x-men requiem Kitty recovers wolverine's hand from SHIELD.

She mentions that SHIELD already tried to clone him but didnt succeed.Magneto left nothing to be cloned on the hand. She then burries it/him.

So yeah, looks like Wolverine is really dead in this one. *snort*
My question is this: is Rick Jones the new Wolverine, or is it a completely new character? Its like a train wreck...I know it'll be horrible, but I can't turn away.

hmmm... interesting theory. But I doubt it. I think Rick Jones is going to play into Bendis' stuff like Ultimate Enemy.