Ultimate Marvel Timeline / Chronology (v. 3.0)

Dear DIrishB,

This isn't going to be easy, but I have to say it. I want you to hear it from me; you need to know. I found out about this site b/c someone wrote into the letters page in USM and told them it existed and i looked it up and was impressed. I was a lurker for a few years who came to the site ONLY to check out the timeline; and the only reason I joined the boards was to tell you that I thought I had solved the Ultimate Power problem...I was so naive and excited back then. Since then, I've become a member of this online community. This will be my 745th post! I've even been awarded a few PotDs. I've learned so much by sitting under your timeline tutelage and have so many great memories. I wouldn't be who I am today if it wasn't for your guidance. Which is why what I have to say is so hard.

You may have noticed that over the past months, my posting on this thread has decreased. It happened slowly at first...I barely noticed. But now looking back, I realize that I barely ever check this thread any more. And do you know what? I don't care about the timeline. I know! I'm sorry, but it's the truth. Things just haven't been the same lately. The ultimate universe has changed and so have I! Everyone copes with change differently, some change the names of websites, and I...I don't know what I'm going to do. But I do know that whatever it is, it won't involve this timeline. i hope you won't think less of me. I may pop in from time to time to see how you're doing and I'm sure we'll bump into each other in other threads. When we do, I hope it won't be too awkward for you - but I know these things take time.

I'll cherish our time together...always.

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I'm keeping it as is merely for simplicity's sake, with the explanation being that the video Doom is watching is either a recording or a live feed with a slight time delay (since its being relayed from New York to Central Europe--the other side of the world).

I considered the time delay idea but quickly through it out because I thought it was a pretty big delay and with technology now a days I didn't think that could be it. But I like the recording idea. And we know it was recorded because he was watching it back later on from a different bugs perspective. Also, the story flows much better just reading it straight through. That is why I'm reading per issue instead of the way the timeline is now, to get the sense of what the authors intended. After I'm finished I'm going to go back through and read it with your ordering.
Dear DIrishB,

This isn't going to be easy, but I have to say it. I want you to hear it from me; you need to know. I found out about this site b/c someone wrote into the letters page in USM and told them it existed and i looked it up and was impressed. I was a lurker for a few years who came to the site ONLY to check out the timeline; and the only reason I joined the boards was to tell you that I thought I had solved the Ultimate Power problem...I was so naive and excited back then. Since then, I've become a member of this online community. This will be my 745th post! I've even been awarded a few PotDs. I've learned so much by sitting under your timeline tutelage and have so many great memories. I wouldn't be who I am today if it wasn't for your guidance. Which is why what I have to say is so hard.

You may have noticed that over the past months, my posting on this thread has decreased. It happened slowly at first...I barely noticed. But now looking back, I realize that I barely ever check this thread any more. And do you know what? I don't care about the timeline. I know! I'm sorry, but it's the truth. Things just haven't been the same lately. The ultimate universe has changed and so have I! Everyone copes with change differently, some change the names of websites, and I...I don't know what I'm going to do. But I do know that whatever it is, it won't involve this timeline. i hope you won't think less of me. I may pop in from time to time to see how you're doing and I'm sure we'll bump into each other in other threads. When we do, I hope it won't be too awkward for you - but I know these things take time.

I'll cherish our time together...always.


You'll come back, especially now that the Ultimate verse is getting good again. You'll be back, I have no doubts.

I considered the time delay idea but quickly through it out because I thought it was a pretty big delay and with technology now a days I didn't think that could be it. But I like the recording idea. And we know it was recorded because he was watching it back later on from a different bugs perspective. Also, the story flows much better just reading it straight through. That is why I'm reading per issue instead of the way the timeline is now, to get the sense of what the authors intended. After I'm finished I'm going to go back through and read it with your ordering.

God bless you. I'm reading it by the trades, but it works almost as well.

If you're interested, someone actually put together a torrent of all the Ultimate issues based on this timeline. Not sure who did it (it wasn't me, thats beyond my technological skills), but if you're really interested in reading it in the timeline order I'd recommend that. It breaks up all the issues by page number according to the timeline, so all you have to do is download it and read...saves you from having to jump between issues and trades every couple of pages.

Try searching for "Ultimate comic torrents", "Ultimate Marvel comic torrents", or "Ultimate Marvel Timeline torrents"...you should be able to find it with those.
I found a torrent at demonoid.com but it says registrations are closed. I need an invitation from a current member.
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Added Ultimate Avengers #2, USM Vol. 2 #2, Marvel Zombies Return #1-2.

Also made some pretty noticeable adjustments for some of the earlier stories. As I've said, I'm doing a read-through of the entire Ultimate verse n trades to correct any mistakes in the timeline, and mainly to remember the good times.
I based the six months period as the beginning of events in USM until a little before Ultimatum. Got it from Ultimate Origins which states that the events with Hulk and Spidey meeting and talking about 'secrets' took place 6 months ago. I would assume that Ultimatum took place shortly and takes a couple of days, flashfowarding to the USM Volume 2 which is 6 months later, therefore roughly the Ultimate Universe events span a year. Not sure we're on the same page. :D
I based the six months period as the beginning of events in USM until a little before Ultimatum. Got it from Ultimate Origins which states that the events with Hulk and Spidey meeting and talking about 'secrets' took place 6 months ago. I would assume that Ultimatum took place shortly and takes a couple of days, flashfowarding to the USM Volume 2 which is 6 months later, therefore roughly the Ultimate Universe events span a year. Not sure we're on the same page. :D

Except that there have been a lot of concrete time jumps like that throughout the Ultimate universe pre-Ultimatum. According to UFF, about two years passed from their creation to UFF #21. According to USM (depending on which you choose to believe), anywhere from 9 months to 18 months passed. UXM never really mentioned specific time jumps, but at least 2-3 semesters passed (which is mentioned) so thats about a year to a year and a half. And according to Ultimates, anywhere from a year to 3 years passed.

Basically, editorial was very lax in terms of time passing and making it cohesive for the entire universe, so it doesn't match up when accounting for all the Ultimate titles.
so is this supposed to be a new school year in USM? I feel like they mentioned that somewhere. If so, I guess Jessica Jones got held back for a year/semester (not hard to understand with the whole flooding of Manhattan thing.
so is this supposed to be a new school year in USM? I feel like they mentioned that somewhere. If so, I guess Jessica Jones got held back for a year/semester (not hard to understand with the whole flooding of Manhattan thing.

It definitely has to be a new year. About a year passed in the first series (USM #1-133), and with the 6 month time jump between Vol. 1 and 2 it only makes sense its a new year. Of course, Bendis won't pay too close attention to that in the long run if the first volume's time jumps or mentions of time passing are an indicator.

I'm a bit behind in my Ultimate comics, haven't been by the comic shop in about a month. I'll remedy that this Friday, so I'll update the timeline with those few changes then.
This post has nothing to do with Ultimate Comics or timelines.

But I thought it would be fitting to have my 1000th post in the same thread that I posted my first post.
Maybe the Ultimate Spider-Man game should be put into italics, it should be set in a alternate universe.
Maybe the Ultimate Spider-Man game should be put into italics, it should be set in a alternate universe.

Not really. The War of the Symbiotes arc concretely makes the USM game Ultimate canon. Sure, it wasn't a smooth translation of the game, but close enough.

And again, the USM game is the only piece of Ultimate story which explains Goblin's escape from SHIELD custody after Ultimate Six.