Ultimate Iron Man #2 Discussion (Spoilers)

Maybe so, but I don't feel a revelation would cut it. The story and the writer are too sci-fi.
I feel that Tony stark has witnessed less adversity in his life than it appears that he shall. His life should be full of easy victories. He's the guy that girls love, and guys want to be.
His upbringing so far doesn't suggest to me a person that would pull a weak sister when things got tough.

But we'll see.
I've been reading one of Card's books over the last two days or so (Xenocide- God bless you Seldes) and it struck me that his style of writing really wouldn't transfer well at all to comics. So much of it is the descriptive, internal that I just can't understand how it could translate well.

This all said, I haven't read UIM yet so I can only vaguely comment.
TheManWithoutFear said:
I think what he means is that the whole Science Fiction aspect that overshadows Tony's life sort of taints Tony's character.
I don't see how, so I just don't think that.
icemastertron said:
I don't see how, so I just don't think that.
I think it's because we don't associate Tony Stark with Sci-fi. That isn't what defines him as a man. Also, the "real" spin on the ultimate books doesn't feel compatible with this high fantasy that Card is creating here.
Good yarn though, don't forget I say that.
icemastertron said:
I don't see how, so I just don't think that.

Guij said it best:

Guijllons said:
I feel that Tony stark has witnessed less adversity in his life than it appears that he shall. His life should be full of easy victories. He's the guy that girls love, and guys want to be.
I see, and understand.

But to me, Card is not making Tony out to be a joke, nonetheless.

Still, Guij, you have said it best.
Wait until Bass and Ourchair post, then I'd have only said it third best.

And I don't feel that it makes Tony out to be a joke. This because I don't really connect the characters at this point. I don't feel that Tony being a human sized brain is really the Tony Stark we know, and I'm not really including this story as part of the canon Stark story (although it is) at this point.
If I were doing it my way, then the story would be far more personality driven, far more about Tony the man, and far less about Stark industries, and far less about Tony the "Mutant".