Ultimate Iron Man #2 Discussion (Spoilers)

One thing i Did appricate: he cleared up the possible continuity mess up about Tony being held by his mom.
Ultxon wrote:
One thing i Did appricate: he cleared up the possible continuity mess up about Tony being held by his mom.

What do you mean? There's still a continuity mess in terms of UMTU #4, where in the slideshow we see that Tony was a young genius, he had a couple of siblings, and his mother was a schoolteacher (If I recall correctly). So unless Tony's dad remarries, had a couple more kids, and his step-mom takes a job as a school teacher, there's still plenty continuity problems.
DIrishB said:
What do you mean? There's still a continuity mess in terms of UMTU #4, where in the slideshow we see that Tony was a young genius, he had a couple of siblings, and his mother was a schoolteacher (If I recall correctly). So unless Tony's dad remarries, had a couple more kids, and his step-mom takes a job as a school teacher, there's still plenty continuity problems.
And theres still 3 more issues of the Young Mr. Stark to clear that all out. We might even get an Ultimate Brady Bunch if his school teacher step momma has children already.

This being the only Ultimate Title I've bought in single issues, I've got to enjoy it. The bit with the Slowed Scientist still being controlled was a bit beyond my belief, but I'm enjoying hte buisness aspects of the book, and hope we get a greater focus on those come the second mini.
UltimateE said:
EXACTLY how I feel about it. The story itself is actually pretty good. I'm enjoying it. But it just isn't fitting for Tony Stark. I can't even describe why it seems that way - it's just not right. It doesn't fit. His origin doesn't need a ton of sci-fi mumbo jumbo.

But like I said, it is a good story. I'm not seeing the plot holes Ultxon is talking about; in just 2 issues Card has shown that nothing we're seeing is a closed door plot-wise; I don't know how anyone can complain this early about plot holes.

I liked the twist with Tony ending up owning the bio armor.
Warren Ellis may have been a condescending ninny on Ultimate Fantastic Four, but at least he didn't try to shoe horn all the characters into one of his little pet themes like Card is doing with this neo-Ayn Randian claptrap.
When i said the continuiy mess, I thought I remembered in Ultimates, Tony telling somone about how his mom held him. We thought that messed up continuity ebcause his mom dies but in # 2, His dad says that he'll tell Tony that his mom held him.
Goodwill said:
Well, at least he's staying inside of the continuity lines, although he's making Tony into a bit of a joke.

He's still a four-year old kid so far. We've yet to see what happens when he's older. And regardless of Tony's crazy past, it has already been suggested in Ultimates 1 that Tony is no regular human being. I recall Nick Fury calling Tony a freak because of his amazing intelligence in the Homeland Security arc.
Goodwill said:
Well, at least he's staying inside of the continuity lines, although he's making Tony into a bit of a joke.
I don't see how that's true.

cmdrjanjalani said:
He's still a four-year old kid so far. We've yet to see what happens when he's older.
Agreed. It seems that now currently he looks around 8 years old. There is plenty of time.

And I hate that the other guy got killed. Stabbed in the ear by a pencil. Ouch. :shock:

I was liking the guy. :(
My feelings have been pretty much summed up here I think.
While I'm enjoying the story it's not Ultimate Tony Stark's story.
I don't like that Tony has brain tissue all through his body, no reason why he can't just be very intelligent like his dad. I don't like the shoehorning of the concept that Tony needs to wear body armour all the time, just like he does in the 616.
And I don't like that it feels like a 1970's 1 shot 'tales of the bizarre' story each issue.

The story is fair enough, but I do feel that it does cheapen Tony's character. There hasn't been an awful lot yet that has been development for him, so perhaps I'm being unfair, but Tony is a smarmy winner, a womaniser, and an all round good egg. He's not an abused child with a pained early life.

All round, I find the book too comedic in it's telling. No real jokes of course, but that wry giggle of sci-fi wankdom wafts through the story so far.
Guijllons said:
My feelings have been pretty much summed up here I think.
While I'm enjoying the story it's not Ultimate Tony Stark's story.
I don't like that Tony has brain tissue all through his body, no reason why he can't just be very intelligent like his dad. I don't like the shoehorning of the concept that Tony needs to wear body armour all the time, just like he does in the 616.
And I don't like that it feels like a 1970's 1 shot 'tales of the bizarre' story each issue.

The story is fair enough, but I do feel that it does cheapen Tony's character. There hasn't been an awful lot yet that has been development for him, so perhaps I'm being unfair, but Tony is a smarmy winner, a womaniser, and an all round good egg. He's not an abused child with a pained early life.

All round, I find the book too comedic in it's telling. No real jokes of course, but that wry giggle of sci-fi wankdom wafts through the story so far.

You are now the third person on this board to say that. It's really too bad that a decent story isn't as good because of the character it's being applied to.
UltimateE said:
You are now the third person on this board to say that. It's really too bad that a decent story isn't as good because of the character it's being applied to.
Hehe, I did say that my feelings had already been summed up.

But it's true, the Tony Stark character has been established, and I don't feel that this treatment of his history really fits that established character. This background story would certainly suit a more goofy person, like reed richards, not tony. A science geek he may be, but he's so much more than just that.

But, I'll keep reading, it's a good yarn, but inappropriate.
Guijllons said:
But, I'll keep reading, it's a good yarn, but inappropriate.

My feelings and plans exactly. It's good enough to give Card the benefit of the doubt. Maybe there will be some kind of twist or revelation.