Then he.shouldn't.have.hired.him!
This is why things are always late from marvel. Because Queseda only looks for big names, not bothering to consider if they'll keep a schedule.
I think its safe to say that Ultimate Wolverine vs Hulk has become the new Spider-Man/Black Cat. You'd think Queseda would have learned.
This is what really pisses me off about this: Does Lost get delayed? Hell no. Because Lindelof
has to make the deadlines or he's finished. There's so much money and production involved, he can't afford to be late.
But Marvel... look, I don't blame Lindelof for spending more time on Lost than the comic. I completely understand - if he has to prioritize, Lost is his top priority. I don't think that's a problem.
What does piss me off is that Marvel whores itself to these big name guys, begging them to do comics in an attempt to legitimise the medium in the mainstream, and then conducts its business in an horrifically amateurish fashion.
Marvel should be able to hire someone, set a deadline that's reasonable for all parties concerned, and then release the title. If the talent responsible is incapable of meeting that deadline and is incapable of resolving it effectively, then
fire them.
It's hard for anyone to take Marvel with serious respect when they conduct themselves so shamelessly.
Cancelling something because it doesn't sell is one thing - but cancelling it because you're unable to have your workforce produce the product?
Why did no one see this coming? WHY was #1 released when #3 wasn't even finished? WHY would anyone sign off to that? How can they be
that shortsighted
all the time?
If I was someone who had a say in what got published and what didn't, I'd have entire 6 arcs fully finished before #1 got solicited. And I'd do this all over the shop, to prove that Marvel
can keep deadlines, especially when DC is producing a
weekly comic. It's shambolic.
Seven years ago, Marvel was this creative dynamo. Now it's a shambolic, amateurish operation that tries to sell empty promises as products that don't exist yet.