Ultimate MJ
Well-Known Member
Or at least the HC and then do the TPB SC later (ala UIM)?
I think that TPB SC is a little redundant.
And its about time Marvel owned up to the fact that this isnt getting done.
Or at least the HC and then do the TPB SC later (ala UIM)?
I'm fine with waiting for it all to finish.
Same here. You guys are babies.
This sucks. Hopefully it isn't permanently cancelled. I'd even prefer another writer taking the reins than it to be cancelled permanently.
I miss you.
That's what I've been saying all along.
There's no reason to go all Sonic Disruptors on this book when any schmo writer Marvel has on hand could stick some dialogue on Lindleof's outline.
Unless they actually approved this series without an outline. . .
Either way, it wouldn't be hard to just finish it. I wouldn't even mind if they just wrap it up in next year's annual.
It would still be done sooner than the mini will at this rate.
No reason to any longer, brother, for DIrishB has finally gotten his computer fixed and deigned to grace you sorry ****s with his God-like presence again.
You couldn't live without any of us.except Gamma Man:|
Kidding. Good to have you back.
You couldn't live without any of us.except Gamma Man
EDIT: So, how for sure is it that this thing is cancelled?
Kidding. Good to have you back.
Technically it's just the orders & solit that are cancelled. The series is still being planned on finishing whenever Lindelwhatshisname gets it done.
So instead of being cancelled....why not just say "delayed indefinitely"?
'Cause they haven't cancelled the series, just the solicits and stuff.
Ummmmmm......We all know this. I asked why not just say delayed indef. Then put out the solits.
Reading the title of this makes it seem like the book itself is cancelled when in reality---it's just the solits and previews.
I've been waiting so long for this book to come out, i hope they'll release it by the time i'm married and with kids and really close to my retirement.