I didn't think this was a bad issue by far. I also didn't think it was much good either. I can respect and appreciate Millar paying homage to the original FF comics through UFF, but there's a line which can also be crossed. I have always liked the UFF title's slightly more "out-there" and whacky storylines and concepts, as they are after all the Fantastic Four. However, sometimes these approaches can get too ridiculous (and did many times in the original 616 FF). Unfortunately Millar tries to be harkening back to that constant over-the-topness with this run on UFF too much in my opinion. While the UFF should certainly see some extremely weird and surreal storylines, I also think it should maintain just a bit more of a real-world setting the rest of the Ultimate universe is partially known for (though thats quickly slipping away). Therefore I thought the huge Japanimation 05 Robot that Reed built was a bit crazy, but no big deal...cuz after all he's built a teleportal machine, a dimension-hopping space-ship, a time machine, and the Fantasticar all in less than the first 25 issues, and those are only a few of his inventions...so its not that out there in terms of context or content, but I just think its too much too soon. But then, maybe it wouldn't be fantastic enough? Damn...the Ultimate Fantastic Four are like a writer's catch-22. Anyway, I'd like to see Millar focus on the characters a bit more than the huge, insane plot devices and whacked-out storyline. Now, those things should still be retained, as they're integral parts of any FF book, but I think a bit more character development would serve to back-up the fact that they're a "family", and I haven't seen that issue addressed really at all. Sure, Reed and Sue are close, and Ben and Johnny fight a lot, but how much else do we really know about their inter-personal relationships. How do Sue and Johnny get along now? Or how about Sue and Ben? What about Reed and Dr. Storm? I mean, Millar introduced a pretty interesting point of contention between Storm and Reed in Crossover, but by the next arc it seemed to have been forgotten. Thats all I'd like to see, more character development amongst the science and fantastic. That alone should help.
Anyway, I thought the issue was ok. I'll give it a 3/5.