Wasn't bad.
I liked the fact that since Reed's brain is as malleable as his body, he can affect his intelligence and shape it round problems to be solved. Nice progression on the concept we've seen in Earth X.
I also quite liked Namor being such a jackass. I had two problems with him - firstly, his hair. Why the hell is it pointing up? If it was pointing up because it's dry, it should look dry and poofy. If it's wet, it should be completely down. I don't get why it looks like that at all. He looks like a pixie. And in fact - why the hell does he even have hair? How many underwater animals have hair? The platypus? And we all know that's a joke by God. So why the hell does he have hair? If Millar wanted to play up the whole "Ancient Egypt" thing, he could've had him completely bald, no eyebrows, just like the high priests and pharoahs of Ancient Egypt. Plus, the ankle wings are stupid too. For a species so evolved, why would he have such redundant extremities?
The other problem I had was the "He's stronger than anyone we've ever met". Not because "Thing should be stronger" or that garbage - I'm fine with him being stronger than Thing, this isn't top trumps - the problem is that everyone says he's stronger, but that doesn't
mean anything. All being strong in comics means is being able to life a heavy object or punch another strong person. When it comes to lifting, characters seem to be able to lift whatever needs lifting. When it comes to punching someone - well not only is a bull**** way of gauging strength, but their punch strength seems to fluctuate on a punch-by-punch basis. #25 in point - he can smash the uber-shackles but he seems to hit Sue with a lot of force and is holding her neck in a headlock and she's not even bleeding. So basically, he's not stronger than anyone. People have just said he is. It's just bull**** and its false jeopardy. Whatever.
Ignoring the above nonsense, I liked the fact that NY to him is like a museum. That was good. I also liked the idea he's a prisoner and not a prince. Considering how I've found Millar's run so far to be a bit trite and cliched, I'm very happy on this twist. I wasn't expecting it and am not entirely sure where this is going. I'm now really and truly interested, and thus, quite happy.
I also liked the crack about Johnny's hair - although, I find it amusing that Namor has even stupider hair. Also, I actually like Johnny's hair. I really think it suits him. I also liked Johnny's inability to tell whether Namor is just stating fact or insulting them. That's a good beat. As was the whole Namor having a point that Johnny started the fight.
What didn't sit with me that only two HERBIES were accompanying Namor and Sue as they wandered through
Central Park. Man, I'd hate the Fantastic Four. They just endanger civilian lives needlessly. Did no one suggest to Namor that they (Sue) would be happy to escort him wherever on the
planet he'd like to go, and if he was willing to wait for a short time, they would prepare it for his perusal? Y'know, by clearing streets and people. Not only is this guy "the most powerful superhuman ever until the next one comes along" but he's also a
Prince (or so they thought) and thus at the least, should have some kind of escort like a statesman besides a teenage girl and two tincans that, unless I'm mistaken, no one thought could take Thing, so why should they be able to take on this "the most powerful superhuman ever, really, we mean it, look out for Thor and Hulk by the way"? It just reeked of the Fantastic Four acting stupid so they and innocent civilians could be in jeopardy for a Kid Miracleman (compelte with black eye and white pupil) murderific fight. Blech.
Okay... so that's three problems with the issue. But I still liked Namor, and I liked the idea of him being a prisoner. Good insightful twist that wasn't just a shock for shock's sake. So I suppose it was good where it mattered.