#1 reason not to join UC
No. He picked that one up from Card.DIrishB said:Oh. So thats where the stretchy-brain=compounded increased intelligence came from.
No. He picked that one up from Card.DIrishB said:Oh. So thats where the stretchy-brain=compounded increased intelligence came from.
TheManWithoutFear said:No. He picked that one up from Card.
Guijllons said:Reed says that they're "Embryonic Ultimates [he] was growing in a virtual petri dish from hard light reflections of the original team" (I just looked it up)
Why the language is ambiguous and very probably purposefully so, thus blurring the line between what is alive classically and what is a simulation of life, I do believe that they're on the simulation end of life rather than something that would automatically cause moral uproar.
Key word being "virtual".
DIrishB said:So its Reed's own version of Nintendogs?
Too true. I still don't get why everyone is complaining about Johnny's new haircut since I think it totally suits him. The only time I thought it was silly was when they showed him as a baby (where he looked remarkably similar in age to Sue - LAAAAAAND!!!!) because it just made him look goofy and ungroomed (after all, parents are usually the ones who have their kids' hair cut, it's hardly ever a kid that small's choice) and, of course, it meant that his current hairstyle is something he's had before, whereas he was shown in #1 (still as a little kid, but older than in the flashback in #24) with the short, spikey hair.TheManWithoutFear said:And someone tell me what was with Namor's remark to Johnny about his hair. Namor's got the worst haircut in comic history.
Nas-T! said:Too true. I still don't get why everyone is complaining about Johnny's new haircut since I think it totally suits him. The only time I thought it was silly was when they showed him as a baby (where he looked remarkably similar in age to Sue - LAAAAAAND!!!!) because it just made him look goofy and ungroomed (after all, parents are usually the ones who have their kids' hair cut, it's hardly ever a kid that small's choice) and, of course, it meant that his current hairstyle is something he's had before, whereas he was shown in #1 (still as a little kid, but older than in the flashback in #24) with the short, spikey hair.
Namor's hair isn't horrible, but when I saw it on the cover to #25 I just thought he had a ponytail and that the effect was as if he were under water and it was pushing his hair up somehow. I dunno. Just what I thought. His current hair combined with his pointy ears make him look like he could be an extra from The Lord of Narnia trilogy or The Chronicles of the Ring: The Hobbit, The B**** & The Really Expensive Wardrobe or whatever!
And, if Atlantis was so advanced, why was Namor basically wearing the equivalent of a loin cloth in his prison? I'm hoping that the whole theory of an advanced civilisation is bull and that Namor was just acting all prissy for the silly humans. I mean, an ancient civilisation with better technology than the current US as showcased to Namor in NYC!? Yeah...sure!
I don't know that any kids with that hair and it obviously isn't popular where I'm from since I don't think I've seen it out here AT ALL. Maybe in one of the coastal cities it's working out well for some beach bums!TheManWithoutFear said:I agree. I've been looking at Johnny's hair trying to find out what I don't like about it. I mean I hate kids in real life with hair like that but do people think it's drawn poorly?
It's not just him. There's also what Reed's said about him being the strongest superhuman on Earth, and I don't mind the stretchy brain as I took it metaphorically (despite Millar's obvious intentions) but I DO mind him building all this stuff just so Millar can have some fun.TheManWithoutFear said:As for Namor bull****ting. So true. There's a lot Namor has said that I'm not thrilled with. He's still intriguing enough. So I'll hold off judgement until it's over.
True. This is why people have a problem with what Millar's doing. You can't downgrade what Reed's doing. It's just gonna get worse.Nas-T! said:It's not just him. There's also what Reed's said about him being the strongest superhuman on Earth, and I don't mind the stretchy brain as I took it metaphorically (despite Millar's obvious intentions) but I DO mind him building all this stuff just so Millar can have some fun.
I mean, anything he builds AFTER Millar's run is gonna seem like a mouse trap compared to hard-light copies of The Ultimates or a time machine!
What's sad about it here is that it could mean that the events of Millar's 13 issues could spell D-O-O-M for the UFF series in terms of cool, new ideas. I hope not.TheManWithoutFear said:True. This is why people have a problem with what Millar's doing. You can't downgrade what Reed's doing. It's just gonna get worse.
I liked jean with short hair.Goodwill said:I don't know why Namor made a crack at Johnny's hair after this episode... I thought the cover showed him underwater, which was why he hair was up, but this issue's interior told me otherwise. It's possible the worse Ultimate haircut we've got. Worse than Gambit. Worse than Johnny. Worse than Jean's butch haircut.
Goodwill said:I don't know why Namor made a crack at Johnny's hair after this episode... I thought the cover showed him underwater, which was why he hair was up, but this issue's interior told me otherwise. It's possible the worse Ultimate haircut we've got. Worse than Gambit. Worse than Johnny. Worse than Jean's butch haircut.
Agreed.DIrishB said:Johnny's haircut is much worse than Namor's, merely because it looks like a stereotypical boy-band do. And it sucks. He looks like a circus performer or something, and should go back to his older style which wasn't so sucky.
You're whole theory on Ben is brilliant :twisted: Did I welcome you yet? Welcome :twisted:Terraneaux said:Yeah, I don't really know why Namor called Sue's mom an ugly cow. She seemed pretty hot to me, so is sue but i guess namor has this thing for blondes. Or something.
On Johnny's hair: That seems to be a very southern california type of haircut. He's always been kind of a "pretty boy" or whatever but the ultimate version especially has a really punchable face. It kind of goes along with his whole image, you can imagine or maybe even know people who act like him and look kinda like him.
On Ben: I strongly believe that ben just says that he hangs out with his old friends as a sort of shame deal and really spends a lot of time alone. He went through what was basically a disfiguring accident from his perspective (the fact that he gained super strength etc from the deal doesn't really enter in to it for him) means that like a lot of people before him he'll have some psychological issues. The thing with a lot of situations like that is it's very much more defined by how you take it; for the most part, sue, reed, and johnny are accepting of ben and how he looks, they still regard him as their friend, but ben's feelings of shame at his condition are kind of getting in the way. Last year i met this girl at my college who lost an eye in a car accident who went through a lot of crap trying to deal with it (she didn't quite lose is buy she lost the lens and so it healed over all cloudy and she didn't have sight in it anymore). It didn't really look that bad, and while it sucks to lose sight in an eye it was really more how she felt about it that affected how she felt, for the most part people were accepting of it and weren't really disliking her for it.
But all of this is moot if ben really is hanging out with his friends, but the fact that it hasn't been shown on-camera leads me to believe that it doesn't really happen, and ben is more or less spending a lot of time alone feeling depressed or some such.
On Sue: I've noticed that her character is kind of inconsistently written. I mean, i guess she's supposed to have an affection for reed and she doesn't quite seem the person to be swept off of her feet by this random elf-looking guy. Though since she didn't really respond to his advances it might have been more that with reed always working on his stuff she was just looking for some non-romantic companionship from someone who seemed mature at first (she doesn't want to deal with her family at this point and ben was ostensibly busy). Then he tried to get a touchy-feely and she force-fielded him.
On a somewhat related note: In the latest issue of the ultimates the FF are shown being kept occupied by a fire being started in the top of their building. These people can time travel for god's sake; a goddam fire isn't going to do jack diddly to keep them in one spot.
DIrishB said:Johnny's haircut is much worse than Namor's, merely because it looks like a stereotypical boy-band do. And it sucks. He looks like a circus performer or something, and should go back to his older style which wasn't so sucky.
Johnny's hair still isn't bothering me that much. I mean, I dislike boy bands as much as the next guy, but Johnny's hair doesn't make me think of any modern boy ba...oh wait...I just recall Justin Timberlake's famous Jhericurl!!:lol: Yeah...Johnny should definitely lose that hairdo!Goodwill said:Namor's hair looks like he belongs in the Coneheads... Where's Dan Akrode when you need him? Boys typically wear their hair like Johnny's now, but where'd Land ever get Namor's do? Get outta here, man.![]()
Yeah, I found that silly. It's almost as if Millar wrote the script imagining that Sue's mom (what's her damn name!?) would be old, but then Land drew her so hot Millar just forgot what he wrote and said it was okay.Terraneaux said:Yeah, I don't really know why Namor called Sue's mom an ugly cow. She seemed pretty hot to me, so is sue but i guess namor has this thing for blondes. Or something.
You know who I'm thinking of now with that haircut? Anyone ever see "Remember The Titans"? If you have, do you remember that guy who was "from CALIFORNIA"...well, he didn't have the same hair, but now Terraneaux made me think of him.Terraneaux said:On Johnny's hair: That seems to be a very southern california type of haircut. He's always been kind of a "pretty boy" or whatever but the ultimate version especially has a really punchable face. It kind of goes along with his whole image, you can imagine or maybe even know people who act like him and look kinda like him.
That idea for Ben is awesome. I hope that that was Millar's intent since, like you said, Ben isn't shown with his friends. It would be cool if they did a Yancy Street tie to the 616 in this book though!Terraneaux said:On Ben: I strongly believe that ben just says that he hangs out with his old friends as a sort of shame deal and really spends a lot of time alone. He went through what was basically a disfiguring accident from his perspective (the fact that he gained super strength etc from the deal doesn't really enter in to it for him) means that like a lot of people before him he'll have some psychological issues. The thing with a lot of situations like that is it's very much more defined by how you take it; for the most part, sue, reed, and johnny are accepting of ben and how he looks, they still regard him as their friend, but ben's feelings of shame at his condition are kind of getting in the way. Last year i met this girl at my college who lost an eye in a car accident who went through a lot of crap trying to deal with it (she didn't quite lose is buy she lost the lens and so it healed over all cloudy and she didn't have sight in it anymore). It didn't really look that bad, and while it sucks to lose sight in an eye it was really more how she felt about it that affected how she felt, for the most part people were accepting of it and weren't really disliking her for it.
But all of this is moot if ben really is hanging out with his friends, but the fact that it hasn't been shown on-camera leads me to believe that it doesn't really happen, and ben is more or less spending a lot of time alone feeling depressed or some such.
I think it's possible that she went with Namor to make Reed jealous and get him to ditch his work and come and sweep her off her feet. I think Millar writes Sue as if she's just some chick with superpowers who makes all the saves. Sue under Ellis was better because she was still more of a geek and possibly even a little bit of a hopeless romantic (remember when Reed took her to see the dolphins?).Terraneaux said:On Sue: I've noticed that her character is kind of inconsistently written. I mean, i guess she's supposed to have an affection for reed and she doesn't quite seem the person to be swept off of her feet by this random elf-looking guy. Though since she didn't really respond to his advances it might have been more that with reed always working on his stuff she was just looking for some non-romantic companionship from someone who seemed mature at first (she doesn't want to deal with her family at this point and ben was ostensibly busy). Then he tried to get a touchy-feely and she force-fielded him.
Well, if Millar's run on UFF is set after his run on The Ultimates, then maybe they don't have the time machine yet. Alternatively, if the FF are as dumb as Millar writes them, then I guess they wouldn't even think of using their time machine!:evil:Terraneaux said:On a somewhat related note: In the latest issue of the ultimates the FF are shown being kept occupied by a fire being started in the top of their building. These people can time travel for god's sake; a goddam fire isn't going to do jack diddly to keep them in one spot.
"Sunshine". Kip Pardue. Would've made a great Angel. Yes, he can act as well as looking pretty.Nas-T! said:You know who I'm thinking of now with that haircut? Anyone ever see "Remember The Titans"? If you have, do you remember that guy who was "from CALIFORNIA"...well, he didn't have the same hair, but now Terraneaux made me think of him.
"Time tavel is dangerous and should be used sparingly" probably touched upon in President Thor.Nas-T! said:Well, if Millar's run on UFF is set after his run on The Ultimates, then maybe they don't have the time machine yet. Alternatively, if the FF are as dumb as Millar writes them, then I guess they wouldn't even think of using their time machine!:evil:
That's the one! Haven't seen that movie in a long, long while. And you're right, he can act. He would've made an awesome Angel! Even a good Johnny Storm!TheManWithoutFear said:"Sunshine". Kip Pardue. Would've made a great Angel. Yes, he can act as well as looking pretty.
Yeah. They'll probably learn that lesson the hard way. Can't wait for that arc. I think it'll either make or break Millar's run.TheManWithoutFear said:"Time tavel is dangerous and should be used sparingly" probably touched upon in President Thor.
Goodwill said:Namor's hair looks like he belongs in the Coneheads... Where's Dan Akrode when you need him? Boys typically wear their hair like Johnny's now, but where'd Land ever get Namor's do? Get outta here, man.![]()
Terraneaux said:On Ben: I strongly believe that ben just says that he hangs out with his old friends as a sort of shame deal and really spends a lot of time alone. He went through what was basically a disfiguring accident from his perspective (the fact that he gained super strength etc from the deal doesn't really enter in to it for him) means that like a lot of people before him he'll have some psychological issues. The thing with a lot of situations like that is it's very much more defined by how you take it; for the most part, sue, reed, and johnny are accepting of ben and how he looks, they still regard him as their friend, but ben's feelings of shame at his condition are kind of getting in the way. Last year i met this girl at my college who lost an eye in a car accident who went through a lot of crap trying to deal with it (she didn't quite lose is buy she lost the lens and so it healed over all cloudy and she didn't have sight in it anymore). It didn't really look that bad, and while it sucks to lose sight in an eye it was really more how she felt about it that affected how she felt, for the most part people were accepting of it and weren't really disliking her for it.
But all of this is moot if ben really is hanging out with his friends, but the fact that it hasn't been shown on-camera leads me to believe that it doesn't really happen, and ben is more or less spending a lot of time alone feeling depressed or some such.