Ultimate Fantastic Four #19 Discussion/Spoilers

Fuzzy Birds said:
Thanks for clearing that up. Caduceus' answer didn't quite tell me what I wanted to know, but I was too scared to ask him to repeat it, cos his Mr Sinister Av is creepy, it's got those eyes that follow you around the room....
I promise I'm not actually actively evil unless you have superior genes. Or a swiss bank account.

Fuzzy Birds said:
And it looks like you have yet to grasp my frightfully intelligent, witty and subtle English/Dutch blend of humour. Ahem.
Thats our Ice. On the forefront of wit. If he doesn't get it, its not funny.
cmdrjanjalani said:
Don't get why some people are still in denial that she's the Ultimate Mad Thinker. She is. The word "think" is mentioned about a hundred times and Burchill finally calls herself a "thinker" in the end. That thing with her is the Awesome Android. It's a gray, faceless, loincloth-wearing mindless automaton. There may have never been any gender-altered Ultimate characters yet, but that doesn't mean it's impossible. In an "Ultimatized" book of G.I. Joe, called G.I. Joe Reloaded, they turned several characters like Doc into women, so it's not too far-fetched.

Thank you.
cmdrjanjalani said:
Don't get why some people are still in denial that she's the Ultimate Mad Thinker. She is. The word "think" is mentioned about a hundred times and Burchill finally calls herself a "thinker" in the end. That thing with her is the Awesome Android. It's a gray, faceless, loincloth-wearing mindless automaton. There may have never been any gender-altered Ultimate characters yet, but that doesn't mean it's impossible. In an "Ultimatized" book of G.I. Joe, called G.I. Joe Reloaded, they turned several characters like Doc into women, so it's not too far-fetched.
Like I said:

icemastertron said:
She may be A mad thinker, but she's not a FEMALE VERSION of THE mad thinker. As I said she wouldn't be.
What is a mad thinker Ice? That only makes sense if a mad thinker is a type of something. You can't be a mad thinker. Its not grammatically correct, unless your a "sk8ter"
Dear Ice,

Give it up. What point would it be to have "A" Mad Thinker? What fun is that? It's "THE" Ultimate Mad Thinker. You were wrong and there can be gender changes amongst Ultimizations. It's no big deal really, especially with lesser known villains. You seem to be the only one offended by it.

TheManWithoutFear said:
Dear Ice,

Give it up. What point would it be to have "A" Mad Thinker? What fun is that? It's "THE" Ultimate Mad Thinker. You were wrong and there can be gender changes amongst Ultimizations. It's no big deal really, especially with lesser known villains. You seem to be the only one offended by it.

Dear MWF,

I was not wrong. Because what I said, was that THE ACTUAL Mad Thinker wouldn't be changed on gender. I never said that there wouldn't be someone else as 'a' Mad Thinker. It's not "THE" Mad Thinker, because the actual Mad Thinker isn't named "Rhona Burchill". So you just gotta check your facts becfore calling someone out.

616 Thinker's real name was never revealed to my knowledge. This Burchill is quite obviously the Ultimate version of 616 Mad Thinker. Saying it's not is kind of like saying Mahr Vehl isn't 616 Mar-Vell because of the name change. :D
I don't how simple I can put it anymore. Let me try.

What I'm saying is that Rhona IS NOT the ulitmate version of the 616 Mad Thinker. I'm NOT saying that she isn't an ultimate version of a mad thinker. She can be UU's Mad Thinker, but im not saying that the 616 guy and her are counterparts, being the same person, but different genders.

If you don't get that, than oh well.
I completely understand what you're saying, but I disagree. I fail to see how this Mad Thinker is not the Ultimate counterpart of the 616 Mad Thinker. She has the same powers - mathematic computer models that allow her to predict events, a grey loin-cloth wearing and powerful robotic assistant. Considering in the ultimate universe that no ultimitization is the same (Shocker has the same name and powers, but not ther personality, Vision has the same name, similar appearance, but a completely different back story, Carnage only looks like 616 and has the same powers as Carnage, he doesn't have the same name, or personality) I think this character, same powers and supporting cast, is obviously the Ultimate counterpart to the 616 Mad Thinker. I don't understand your attempt to split hairs here. :?
Yeah.. Ice.. thats a dumb argument.. a dumb point.. this is the mad thinker.. not a mad thinker.. this is the mad thinker.. you wont have any other mad thinkers popping up at any point in the series..
And I see no one understands what Im saying. If they were, then you wouldn't say what you said.

Like I said, Oh well.

Ice, dude, it was confirmed that the villain in this arc is an ultimization of a existing 616 villain. So it cant be a new mad thinker, she must be THE mad thinker, unless its a different ultimization of course
This is the best argument ever. :rockon:
It's "the" Ultimate Mad Thinker. Who cares about a freaking gender change, they're ultimizing who they want to suit their needs.
Ket's talk about the art. Am I alone when I say that I loved the whole Reed creepin' the shadows thing goin' on. I love the feel of Lee's art. I don't even know why I'm such a big fan of it. After Hulk last week and then this UFF I wish he picked up DD when Maleev left.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Let's talk about the art. Am I alone when I say that I loved the whole Reed creepin' the shadows thing goin' on. I love the feel of Lee's art. I don't even know why I'm such a big fan of it.
No, you're not the only one. I feel the same way. The art was totally cool, and the Reed creepin part was great. I thought it just looked really well done. :D
This issue was great! I read it all the way through and couldn't help but want more. The story was strong from the get-go and the art, although it took some time, did really well portraying the Four (Especially, the Thing!). I can't wait for the second issue, supposedly it's going to spur what Millar's got going... Also, have we figured out who Rhona is yet? My guess would be Puppet Master or Alicia Masters, but I could be wrong. Who knows.

Also, the letter... If Nihil was shot with a death ray, wouldn't that mean that he's dead? What is that guy talking about? Forgive me if we know this person, but it's silly to ask if he survived when DEATH is stuck to it.

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