Ultimate Fantastic Four #19 Discussion/Spoilers

Anyone else notice the name on Dr. Storm's I.D. card?

"Franklin Richards". Was that his name in 616, too? The same name that the F4 named their son.
Is it actually stated that she would be an ultimization? Possibly she's a completely new character like Geldoff.

(Although I stick to my theory that Geldoff is in fact an ultimization of Namorita, albeit with a sex change, name change, different powers and origin).
Fuzzy Birds said:
Is it actually stated that she would be an ultimization? Possibly she's a completely new character like Geldoff.
Its the other way around. They hype the original characters and if they don't, the villain will be an ultimization. Although they hype those too.
Fuzzy Birds said:
Is it actually stated that she would be an ultimization?
It's an Ultimization. Remember the solit said "classic FF viliian".

Fuzzy Birds said:
(Although I stick to my theory that Geldoff is in fact an ultimization of Namorita, albeit with a sex change, name change, different powers and origin).
Different sex, name, powers and origin? Sounds like someone TOTALLY different, and you say it's Namorita's ultimization? :sure:
icemastertron said:
It's an Ultimization. Remember the solit said "classic FF viliian".

Different sex, name, powers and origin? Sounds like someone TOTALLY different, and you say it's Namorita's ultimization? :sure:

Thanks for clearing that up. Caduceus' answer didn't quite tell me what I wanted to know, but I was too scared to ask him to repeat it, cos his Mr Sinister Av is creepy, it's got those eyes that follow you around the room....

And it looks like you have yet to grasp my frightfully intelligent, witty and subtle English/Dutch blend of humour. Ahem.
Spade said:
the robot is the awsome android and she is the ultimate version of mad thinker

I tend to agree with this...
exactly! They only hinted at the idea of a "thinker" about 5 times towards the end of the book.. he had a robot called the awesome andriod who was kinda faceless like this one.. man i wanna see part two of this.. though honestly im not too keen on Lee's art.. but then maybe I just liked Kuberts on it too much..
it wasn't amazing...but it wasn't total crap like i was expecting...this little 2-issue intermission might end up not being a total failure...however, the art takes a bit to get used to
nigma said:
i liked the issue, but i hated the art,that last arc reed looked a little older and this one he looks like a 6 year old kid. they all do.

Yeah! The art was all sketchy and twitchy. It totally de-sexed the previously slinky Sue Storm and made Reed Richards look like some mutated Opie Cunningham. It seems the artist did his best work drawing inanimate objects. Like the Thing.
Don't get why some people are still in denial that she's the Ultimate Mad Thinker. She is. The word "think" is mentioned about a hundred times and Burchill finally calls herself a "thinker" in the end. That thing with her is the Awesome Android. It's a gray, faceless, loincloth-wearing mindless automaton. There may have never been any gender-altered Ultimate characters yet, but that doesn't mean it's impossible. In an "Ultimatized" book of G.I. Joe, called G.I. Joe Reloaded, they turned several characters like Doc into women, so it's not too far-fetched.

Nice nods to Phineas Mason aka "The Terrible Tinkerer" and turning Willie Lumpkin into a lieutenant. My only problem with the comic was since most of the scenes were set in the dark, it was a little difficult to find out what was happening in some panels.
this was a nice little berak from all the long stories i am very glad they are coming out in 3pts now instead of 6. by the 4th or 5th issue you usually just want to get to the next story. The one thing they need to made this 2pt story great is end with them doing a news interview in front of the baxter building, seeing as theres probably hunderds of people outside waiting for them anyways. thats what ive been waiting for since day one.

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