Ultimate Extinction #2 (SPOILERS)

UltimateE said:
I think you guys are reading too much into the name "Sentry". I'd be surprised if it was related in any way shape or form.

Fury and Betty holding hands.

Korinthian said:
Not that I think much of the Academy Awards, but I really think you over-rated this "profound" talk about God and belief, which has been done so many times in so many places by every even remotely 'tragic' hero out there. It didn't suck, but please.

****... I agree with him.
Obviously I haven't, but should I really have to tell you that?
Fuzzy Birds said:
Welcome to the UC!!

That's a pretty logical concern, but I doubt Ellis would be responsible for any major tinkerings or revelations in the Phoenix story. Those things should, and hopefully will, only happen within Ultimate X Men. It looks like Kirkman is responsible for setting it up there, for Singer to finish eventually.

Thank you for your kind welcome.

I'm just thinking some time down the line we'll see "When you took Gah Lak Tus into your mind... " or "When you went into The Void Of The Uncreator... "

It might even work for Ultimate Onslaught, should such a beast come to pass.
Ultimate Iron Moose! said:
I'm just thinking some time down the line we'll see "When you took Gah Lak Tus into your mind... " or "When you went into The Void Of The Uncreator... "

It might even work for Ultimate Onslaught, should such a beast come to pass.

That might be interesting...

The only thing is that it's not like Gah Lak Tus doesn't really possess minds, at least as far as they know. They just send them a crazy bug.

I think there's a difference between the ability to control a mind and the ability to disrupt it.
5 character on a cover, only 2 of them are in the issue.

Is it a new record?


So we see Captain Jeanne DeWolf. Wonder if the fact she is a dirty cop will have any impact the story at all? Probably not. Even dirty cop have to work and I don't see how Kingpin could possibly fit in the story.

That being said, look on p.12 (counting ads and recap). Top panel.

Doesn't she look like she's 100 with the rack of a 20 year old, or what?!


Heather Moon. So it probably is Moon Dragon as some had guessed. Though the name of 616 Moon Dragon is Heather Douglas. (I know that 'cause I checked! Didn't even know Moon Dragon existed before Extinction).

Okay so... What the heck is she? A hero? A villain? A fanatic? A Hitman that was supposed to have been killed 20 years ago but still look in her early 30s? A hitman that try to take out an evil cultist but has no qualm about taking out any witnesses?

She's hard to figure. Of course, it's not hard to figure why one would want to stop a Silver Cultist that seek to bring about the end of the world. If you are a bad guy in the Kingpin style, or even in the Magneto style, you need a world to lord over. Extinction isn't on the agenda. But if you are that kind of bad guy and you know of Silver Surfer, the best thing to do is to tip SHIELD in some way. Let them butt head.

What is she trying to accomplish here, and is she working for herself these days or is she still a hired gun? If so, by whom?


I wonder what Cap and Falcon will do when confronted with Surfer. They are both heroes who rely on brute strenght. There is not a lot more they can do that Misty Knight hasn't tried. They can hit even harder but I've got a feeling that won't be enough. It looks like they either need a telepath or they need Thor. Otherwise I'm guessing we'll get one of these mysterious plot devices that SHIELD call gadgets in action, or the good guys will be routed.

In all circumstances, SS probably escape to get defeated in two or three more issues.


E.Vi.L. said:
So we see Captain Jeanne DeWolf. Wonder if the fact she is a dirty cop will have any impact the story at all? Probably not. Even dirty cop have to work and I don't see how Kingpin could possibly fit in the story.

Noooo... that would be some lame and unrealistic for a corrupt character to somehow sabotage Earth's survival. She's a cop for some reasons not just to be the "bad cop", she's definitely just doing her job here.
E.Vi.L. said:
5 character on a cover, only 2 of them are in the issue.
And have you not learned to trust what's on the cover? You should know by now whatever is happening on the cover doesn't necessarily mean it's going on in the issue.

Remember Ultimates 2 #5?
icemastertron said:
And have you not learned to trust what's on the cover? You should know by now whatever is happening on the cover doesn't necessarily mean it's going on in the issue.

Remember Ultimates 2 #5?
Regardless, this is probably the worst case scenerio of this. Ultimates 2 #5 was made to be a cool cover and to show that at least Thor would be battling Cap and Iron-Man. Did anyone really think that Thor was going to hand their asses to them? We just liked the cover. This cover is just ridiculously bad and there's no point in showing Wolverine or Thing on it.
icemastertron said:
And have you not learned to trust what's on the cover? You should know by now whatever is happening on the cover doesn't necessarily mean it's going on in the issue.

If you quote me, quote me whole.

I was wondering if this was a record. I think it is. Seriously!
Do you think Moon Dragon will try and kill Captain America and Falcon next issue? She'll have to show up and ruin everything.
E.Vi.L. said:
I wonder what Cap and Falcon will do when confronted with Surfer. They are both heroes who rely on brute strenght. There is not a lot more they can do that Misty Knight hasn't tried. They can hit even harder but I've got a feeling that won't be enough. It looks like they either need a telepath or they need Thor. Otherwise I'm guessing we'll get one of these mysterious plot devices that SHIELD call gadgets in action, or the good guys will be routed.

Cap's superpower is above-human strength, but I wouldn't say he relies on it. It's also a very intelligent strategist and has immense willpower, character strength, tenacity, and loyalty.

After reading what I quoted above the first thing I thought of was how Cap defeated Dr. Doom (who had stolen the Beyonder's power and essence) in Secret War - Doom was omnipotent. He kept zapping Cap and Cap kept returning and coming at him. Part of that was a subconscious desire for Doom to fail, but based on the fact that he knew Cap would never give up.

Yeah, it's a different universe and different story, but it still demonstrates what Cap is all about.

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