5 character on a cover, only 2 of them are in the issue.
Is it a new record?
So we see Captain Jeanne DeWolf. Wonder if the fact she is a dirty cop will have any impact the story at all? Probably not. Even dirty cop have to work and I don't see how Kingpin could possibly fit in the story.
That being said, look on p.12 (counting ads and recap). Top panel.
Doesn't she look like she's 100 with the rack of a 20 year old, or what?!
Heather Moon. So it probably is Moon Dragon as some had guessed. Though the name of 616 Moon Dragon is Heather Douglas. (I know that 'cause I checked! Didn't even know Moon Dragon existed before Extinction).
Okay so... What the heck is she? A hero? A villain? A fanatic? A Hitman that was supposed to have been killed 20 years ago but still look in her early 30s? A hitman that try to take out an evil cultist but has no qualm about taking out any witnesses?
She's hard to figure. Of course, it's not hard to figure why one would want to stop a Silver Cultist that seek to bring about the end of the world. If you are a bad guy in the Kingpin style, or even in the Magneto style, you need a world to lord over. Extinction isn't on the agenda. But if you are that kind of bad guy and you know of Silver Surfer, the best thing to do is to tip SHIELD in some way. Let them butt head.
What is she trying to accomplish here, and is she working for herself these days or is she still a hired gun? If so, by whom?
I wonder what Cap and Falcon will do when confronted with Surfer. They are both heroes who rely on brute strenght. There is not a lot more they can do that Misty Knight hasn't tried. They can hit even harder but I've got a feeling that won't be enough. It looks like they either need a telepath or they need Thor. Otherwise I'm guessing we'll get one of these mysterious plot devices that SHIELD call gadgets in action, or the good guys will be routed.
In all circumstances, SS probably escape to get defeated in two or three more issues.