Ultimate Defenders/British Ultimates

Well I'm guessing that SHIELD is perfectly aware that Murdock is Daredevil (based solely on the fact they seem to know everything else), and hence know that with his heightened senses he is able to hear subtle changes in people's voices and smell perspiration and really is the BEST lawyer you can have because of this. And, it would seem to me, that Banner's gonna need the best lawyer you can have.

Also, do you think Millar will give us any details on the relationship or any history between DD and SHIELD? Even if they don't know he is Murdock, surely they must have sought down Daredevil for questioning or attempted to recruit him. I mean, they attempted to recruit Hawk Owl...so do you think Millar will be so kind as to fill us in a little, or's he too lazy to travel further than he has to?
Caduceus said:
Ummm.... UltimateE, They're the same person. Its a pretty strong connection

I know it's the same person. But an appearance by Daredevil is not necessarily an appearance by Matt Murdock, and vice versa. I'm agreeing with your point that an appearance by Murdock seems obvious, but the solits say Daredevil...why? Especially since he is such a loner like was discussed earlier.
I see what you mean now UltimateE. I think it is you are making Murdock and Daredevil out as seperate characters who mean different things to a story. I agree with you that Murdock doesn't necessarily mean DD.
Caduceus said:
I think it is you are making Murdock and Daredevil out as seperate characters who mean different things to a story.

Exactly. And like I said I was agreeing that logically, it makes sense that Matt Murdock, the lawyer, would appear in a story about the Trial of Hulk. But since the solits say Daredevil...I don't see it.
I think Batroc the Leaper should be the French representative on the team. He could be an Olympic level martial artist (much like Hawkeye is an Olympic level archer in the Ultimates).
That Iron Cross character from some old Spiderman was German wasn't he?
Captain Britain and Pyslocke obviously.
Maybe Micromax from early Excalibur.
Has Banshee been in UXM yet? He could be the Irish member.

I'm suprised that the Soviet Super Soldiers has not been Ultimized.
Red Gaurdian, Darkstar, Ursa Major etc.
Yeah, so what IS going on with Psylocke? I can't wait for her to show up in this title, I think it's going to be fun seeing her again!
Wasn't there a Cyclone in Thunderbolts that was French.
There are 25 member states of the EU...surerly there are enough superheroes to fit out an EU superhero initiative.
Now we have the Defenders Line-up. And tasty it looks too. The excaliber one is gonna be pretty tricky. i mean, this is a British or European force(perhaps), They can't have a bunch of American mutants in it. So I'd have to discount Kitty Pryde et al.

Who from the members of excaliber in the past could possibly be ultimised as a super-soldier?

Also, and this has probably been covered elsewhere, Captain Britain's suit. Surely they aren't going to say that it's powered by some sort of magical energy, that's so naff. I would like to see the ultimate universe remain as real and human as possible. The last thing I wanna see are a bunch of different races, and demons, and magic. I mean, they are intending to bring namor into UFF (ex-defenders member, so it's kinda relevant), I really hope he's not really from a race of underwater people with their own civilisation. And while I'm on it. The inhumans are gonna be a bitch to realise too.
I just checked, the only thing that is mentioned is that Professor James Braddock says "I'm only sorry I can't introduce you to these soldiers we've been enhancing" as regards to abilities. So that leaves it pretty open. And traditionally in the 616 it was the suit that was the source of the power right? But hey, i could have missed something.
This may not be official, but I just checked up on the marveldirectory.
Strength Level: When not clad in his strength-augmenting uniform. Captain Britain possesses the normal human strength of a man of his age, height, and weight, who engages in regular exercise. With his strength augmented by his uniform, Captain Britain can lift (press) approximately 2 tons under optimal conditions.

Known Superhuman Powers: (formerly)Captain Britain possesses a number of superhuman powers derived from his mystically enhanced uniform. First, the uniform enhances his strength. Second, the uniform enables him to fly. Captain Britain can fly at a maximum speed just under the speed of sound (770 miles per hour) for prolonged periods of time (until bodily fatigue requires him to rest). Third, the uniform can erect mystical force fields at Captain Britain's mental command. This force field is employed to protect him from atmospheric conditions while flying. It is strong enough to deflect a bazooka shell without deforming or rendering it wielder unconscious from the concussion. (Repeated blasts would weaken the field considerably, and eventually penetrate it. The uniform also enhances Captain Britain's stamina and reflexes to superhuman levels.

Whether he had any abilities aside from those given to the suit I don't know. And furthermore, there was a long text on his background there that I didn't read. So I may well have missed something there.
As the bio said, his powers are mystical in origin. He doesn't have them anymore even in 616. I'd be much more inclined to go with a supersoldier serum for Ultimate CB rather than mystic powers. Just have it a serum that enhances less than Cap and doesn't give all the flight powers.
Apollo said:
I'm suprised that the Soviet Super Soldiers has not been Ultimized.
Red Gaurdian, Darkstar, Ursa Major etc.

Actually they have, at least some of them. The Soviet super-soldiers appear in Ultimate Nightmare, but they're freakish, murderous abominations that were locked up.

Ultimate Captain Britain is a product of super-soldier experimentation according to Ultimates 2 #2. He may be the first successful attempt to emulate Captain America's super-soldier serum.
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