Ultimate Defenders/British Ultimates

I haven't read or heard anything on that. I read something about him in a previews Wizard issue.

But it would be cool to see him in the Ultimate Defenders or something. Wouldn't it?
I guess so, it would introduce that character to me... I only know him by looks and powers and, considering how many characters Marvel has, that's not much at all.
Goodwill said:
I only know him by looks and powers and, considering how many characters Marvel has, that's not much at all.

Me too. I never heard of this guy until I read about him in Wizard. And when I saw him, I thought he was someone from DC until I read the article. Once I read about him, I read who he was and what not. I think it would be a cool way to introduce him as a member of the Ultimate Defenders.
What do you guys think about having DD on the Ultimates or the Defenders? It would be interesting and 'ultimate', right?
Goodwill said:
What do you guys think about having DD on the Ultimates or the Defenders? It would be interesting and 'ultimate', right?

No...DD is more of a loner than even Spidey.
UltimateE said:
No...DD is more of a loner than even Spidey.

So the DD/Elektra stories and the DD/Black widow stories and the DD/Spider-man/Luke Cage/Powerfist stories, etc are avoided in this discussion?

Nah, you're quite right, DD could never be in a team for long, but I can see Fury putting him, Peter and Black Widow on a few black ops missions.
DD is still a character to be explored in the Ultimate Universe. If it was me, I wouldn't have had him in there so fast and I blame Bendis for bringing him up without any real motive for his character. I'd actually like to see him on a team so that he can be fleshed out or something because his character, or lack there of, is bothering me just being in the Universe.
Goodwill said:
Well, what do you think DD is going to show up for in the Ultimates 2 #1?

I was wondering that myself. Solits can be misleading...remember they advertised that most or all of the characters who had ever been in Avengers would be appearing in Disassembled. And while that was true, and vast majority of them spent a vast majority of the time they appeared just standing there. Not that I'm complaining, but it kind of puts things in perspective. Daredevil might appear but play little or no role in any event - big or small - that comes up in the book.
Well, that's what I was thinking too... What I'm expecting from Hitch is a splash page of all of these characters... Really nothing that will be what the solicitations said it would be.

DD's role is probably a minor character in the Ultimates 2, but it's cool to speculate what he could do in that title.
Yep. Issue 3 in Ultimates Vol 2 is about the trial of the Hulk and it guest stars Matt Murdock.
Blacksword said:
Banner's on trial, Murdock's a lawyer... doesn't take much imagination.

Right, but I'm talking about Murdock and Daredevil separately. I agree with what you're saying, but how does Daredevil fit into this?
Few comments

a) we don't know Murdock's status as a lawyer in the Ultimate Universe of the present. He could be a famous New York attorney who keeps his offices in Hell's kitchen out of principle. Or be the only lawyer with the cahones to defend Banner... not likely to be a popular job.

b) Solits can be misleading. It's simpler and far spalshier to say Daredevil than Matt Murdock.

c) But if Matt makes an in costume appearance it may be to help take down an escaped Hulk.

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