Ultimate Daredevil storylines

I think the Cobra would make a great addition to the villains breaking out of Riker's in the Break Out arc. Between the Gael's bomb traps and Cobra's poison traps set up in Riker's DD would really have his hand full.
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The Overlord said:
Is there any prominent evil business men not yet used in UU?
Gene Khan a.k.a. The Mandarin is a businessman, yes? "Renowned throughout China for his administrative brilliance", according to his Wikipedia entry.

I don't believe he's shown up in the UU, though he'll probably need a little tweaking in order to pull it off in a believable, realistic way -- the biggest cop-out would be to make him similar to the version of Ra's al Ghul form Batman Begins.

But he could probably use fany rhetoric to convince the public that his redevelopment plans are in the interest of "progress and technology" and whatnot, in order to soften the blow of an international businessman lobbying to re-zone an entire district.

I'd imagine that, to complicate matters, *some* land-owners from Hell's Kitchen would be all too happy to just be paid a healthy sum for their real estate, and move to a 'nicer' part of town, realistically.

In any case, "Urban Development" is an arc with LOADS of story-telling potential. Good job, Overlord!
compound said:
Gene Khan a.k.a. The Mandarin is a businessman, yes? "Renowned throughout China for his administrative brilliance", according to his Wikipedia entry.

I don't believe he's shown up in the UU, though he'll probably need a little tweaking in order to pull it off in a believable, realistic way -- the biggest cop-out would be to make him similar to the version of Ra's al Ghul form Batman Begins.

But he could probably use fany rhetoric to convince the public that his redevelopment plans are in the interest of "progress and technology" and whatnot, in order to soften the blow of an international businessman lobbying to re-zone an entire district.

I'd imagine that, to complicate matters, *some* land-owners from Hell's Kitchen would be all too happy to just be paid a healthy sum for their real estate, and move to a 'nicer' part of town, realistically.

In any case, "Urban Development" is an arc with LOADS of story-telling potential. Good job, Overlord!

The Mandarin in 616 MU was more of James Bond style villain, at first he was just another would-be world conqueror/Asian sterotype villain, later he morphed into a anti-technology terrorist who wanted to return the world to the feudal era with feudal China as the world's new super power.

He could be the business man who wants to buy Hell's Kitchen, of course there a lot of potenial pitfalls with ultimizing him and trying to seperate him from 616 sterotype past. I could also use Fenris, but they are too involved with X Universe and I want something more self contained. Though I like Stane, I guess Hugh Jones, who was president of Roxxon Oil could work, if Stane is killed in UIM. The fact that Roxxon is already in UU means there wouldn't be a need to have a lot set up.

I love your ideas of some people being happy to sell their homes and businesses to move away from Hell's Kitchen and the PR campaign that would be involved in convincing people to support plowing down Hell's Kitchen. Thanks for your postive feedback.
Women of Hell:

Elektra is foiled by the Black Widow in an assassination attempt, and Elektra escapes. Black Widow finds Matt on a date with Karen Page, and asks for his help. Karen, clueless to Matt's identity, thinks he's cheating on her. So when Matt ditches her to make sure Elektra and Black Widow don't kill each other, Karen digs through Matt's address book at work, and heads off to Patsy Walker's house. Confronting Matt's old date, she tries to figure out why Matt just takes off like he does. Patsy does her best to cover for Matt, though Karen isn't convinved. Thinking Karen had left, Miss. Walker gets in her Hellcat garb and with her few 'cat gadgets' goes out to find Matt, Karen follows. Hellcat's pursuit leads her to Elektra, Echo and Black Widow in a three-way split cat-fight. Elektra, her own girl now, Echo working for Fisk (we will later find out Elektra's target had value to the Kingpin), and Black Widow trying to bring them both into custody.Hell cat enters the brawl on Black Widow's side and takes on Echo. Karen finds her way to the fight and sees all of the women from Matt's past dukeing it out on a roof top, when Daredevil arrives to end the fight, Karen pieces two and two together and realises who the Daredeil is. Who wins the fight? Who dies? And who recaptures Daredevil's Heart?
Hawkeye101 said:
Women of Hell:

Elektra is foiled by the Black Widow in an assassination attempt, and Elektra escapes. Black Widow finds Matt on a date with Karen Page, and asks for his help. Karen, clueless to Matt's identity, thinks he's cheating on her. So when Matt ditches her to make sure Elektra and Black Widow don't kill each other, Karen digs through Matt's address book at work, and heads off to Patsy Walker's house. Confronting Matt's old date, she tries to figure out why Matt just takes off like he does. Patsy does her best to cover for Matt, though Karen isn't convinved. Thinking Karen had left, Miss. Walker gets in her Hellcat garb and with her few 'cat gadgets' goes out to find Matt, Karen follows. Hellcat's pursuit leads her to Elektra, Echo and Black Widow in a three-way split cat-fight. Elektra, her own girl now, Echo working for Fisk (we will later find out Elektra's target had value to the Kingpin), and Black Widow trying to bring them both into custody.Hell cat enters the brawl on Black Widow's side and takes on Echo. Karen finds her way to the fight and sees all of the women from Matt's past dukeing it out on a roof top, when Daredevil arrives to end the fight, Karen pieces two and two together and realises who the Daredeil is. Who wins the fight? Who dies? And who recaptures Daredevil's Heart?

That's a cool idea.
Innocent Until Proven Guilty:

Someone has released a deadly poisonious in NYC's subway system, killing 20 people. All signs point to Klaus Voorhees aka the Cobra as the one behind the attack. However when DD captures the Cobra he claims to be innocent. DD knows that Cobra is telling the truth. Now Matt Murdock has defend Cobra in court while searching the real killer.
The Overlord said:
Innocent Until Proven Guilty:

Someone has released a deadly poisonious in NYC's subway system, killing 20 people. All signs point to Klaus Voorhees aka the Cobra as the one behind the attack. However when DD captures the Cobra he claims to be innocent. DD knows that Cobra is telling the truth. Now Matt Murdock has defend Cobra in court while searching the real killer.

You're big on the original villain comes back and gets framed storylines aren't ya?

Not a bad story but who is the real killer?

On another note...shamefully I posted a series of arcs to Vol.15ish on other sites and am thinking about bringing them here.
TheManWithoutFear said:
You're big on the original villain comes back and gets framed storylines aren't ya?

Not a bad story but who is the real killer?

On another note...shamefully I posted a series of arcs to Vol.15ish on other sites and am thinking about bringing them here.

I already did that? I must of phased out or something. Though how else are we going to show Matt's lawyer side? Anyway I was thinking Ultimate Rotgut would be the real killer, he was interesting one shot character, though I hate the name Rotgut and he has no civilian name in 616 MU, so I may change that.

Anyway post your arcs.
Frightful Four:

Mr. Fear and Purple Man have cells accross from each other at Rykers. Over time the two form a friendship and a common hatred of Daredevil. With no way to escape, the two begin to search Ryker's for help. Recruiting Bullseye and Chameleon for the job. Staging a mishap the four cause a riot at Rykers and escape. Bent on bringing down Daredevil the Four start calling themselves the Frightful Four and go to the Kingpin and demand money, weapons, etc. But Mr. Fisk has more valuble paraphinalia, the secret identity of Daredevil. . . .
Here's my basic idea for a DD game set in the UU that still fits in with the timeline. It's incomplete, and the minor missions are going to involve Fury, Spidey etc.

Ultimate Daredevil: The Game

Major Mission #1: "Punishment"
Matt Murdock awakes from a nightmare. He remembers how his dad was killed, and how he made his 'costume' out of his dad's old boxing uniform. His head hurts. He hears an alarm go off – Rikers Prison is being attacked. Matt puts on his costume, and as Daredevil heads towards the island where the prison is located.

Daredevil arrives to see smoke rising out of the prison. He enters slowly, seeing if there is any danger. As he makes his way throughout the ruined prison, he is attacked by petty criminals. After a few fights he finally makes his way into the centre of the prison where he sees the vigilante known as the Punisher. Presuming the Punisher is responsible for this incident, Daredevil fights him. Daredevil eventually knocks Punisher out and escapes into the night. Little does he know he is being watched…

Major Mission #2: "Enforced"
Daredevil realises that a group known as the Enforcers – Mr. Big, Fancy Dan, Ox and Montana, are hiding out at an abandoned warehouse. He heads their at once.

As he enters the warehouse, he is attacked by Fancy Dan who shoots at him. After Daredevil beats him, Montana uses a whip against him. Finally, Ox charges at Daredevil. Once Daredevil knocks them all unconscious, a man steps out from the shadows. He says his name is Mr. Big, and that he has a message from the Kingpin. Mr. Big tells Daredevil that rival gangs are attempting to take over New York City and take out the Kingpin. The Kingpin wants some decent protection, and is willing to pay Daredevil. Daredevil says he doesn't want the money and leaves.

Major Mission #3: "Guilt"
The next day at work, Matt Murdock is interrupted by a man called Turk. He says he has a message for Daredevil – join the Kingpin or die. Later that night, Matt decides to visit the Kingpin as Daredevil.

When he reaches Fisk Towers, Daredevil is attacked by random thugs. After quickly dispatching them, Daredevil spars with the Kingpin, is quite strong. Daredevil tells Wilson Fisk – the Kingpin, to stay out of his life. The Kingpin then tells him that if he doesn't comply, Hell's Kitchen will be burned to the ground. The gang war will engulf the entire city. If Daredevil doesn't stop it, hundreds will perish. Daredevil gives in and tells Fisk he'll help him eliminate the competition…

Major Mission #4: "Hammerhead"
One of the people attempting to take over the Kingpin's place is Silvermane. Silvermane's main man is a guy who calls himself Hammerhead. Hammerhead has been messing around in Kingpin's areas and Kingpin wants Daredevil to take him out.

Daredevil heads out to the docks, where Hammerhead is supposedly hiding. He fights off some thugs and enters a building. A battle ensues between Daredevil and Hammerhead, and after a few bullets and head butts, Daredevil manages to win.

Major Mission #5: "Silvermane"
Daredevil breaks into Silvermane's hideout, and after going through floors of security guards and thugs, manages to find Silvermane. Daredevil tells Silvermane to stay the hell away from Hell's Kitchen and the Kingpin and then attempts to leave. However, he is interrupted by Hammerhead who is furious. After a short battle, Daredevil beats Hammerhead again, and leaves for good. Hammerhead swears that he will be the next Kingpin…

Major Mission #6: "Tombstone"
The Kingpin has only one more major enemy to contend with – The Owl. The Owl's main man – a guy named Tombstone who's skin is as hard as rock – just happens to be in a graveyard. Daredevil tracks him down, and fights off the gang members. Tombstone attempts to kill Daredevil, but fails. Daredevil leaves the unconscious Tombstone in an empty grave.

Major Mission #7: "The Owl Takes Flight"
Daredevil breaks into the Owl's hideout in an abandoned warehouse. After fighting through mass amounts of security, Daredevil comes face to face with the ugly man. However, the Owl isn't alone and uses his bodyguard – Mr. Hyde to distract Daredevil while he escapes. After using a wrecking ball to nearly kill Mr. Hyde, Daredevil chases after the Owl who is escaping in a car. After smashing the car into a wall, Daredevil beats the Owl's guards and shoves the Owl against the wall. He tells Owl to enjoy his time in prison and then leaves.

Major Mission #8: "Bullseye"
It's been a long week, but finally Daredevil has finished. He's prevented a gang war, and has tired himself out. However, the Kingpin planned on tiring Daredevil out, then eliminating a possible thorn in his side in a swift strike. The Kingpin only uses the best – and that is Bullseye.

Just as Daredevil is about to head towards his apartment, he is interrupted by Bullseye. Bullseye tells Daredevil he's sending him straight to hell – where he belongs. He throws anything he can get his hands on, and eventually Daredevil manages to defeat Bullseye. However, it seems one of the shuriken struck Daredevil, and he faints due to loss of blood.
Hawkeye101 said:
Frightful Four:

Mr. Fear and Purple Man have cells accross from each other at Rykers. Over time the two form a friendship and a common hatred of Daredevil. With no way to escape, the two begin to search Ryker's for help. Recruiting Bullseye and Chameleon for the job. Staging a mishap the four cause a riot at Rykers and escape. Bent on bringing down Daredevil the Four start calling themselves the Frightful Four and go to the Kingpin and demand money, weapons, etc. But Mr. Fisk has more valuble paraphinalia, the secret identity of Daredevil. . . .

Good idea, though I would lose the name "Frightful Four", that seems like something that would be in 616 MU, not UU. Besides the "Frightful Four" is just a lame name, at least the Sinister Six has a ring to it. They shouldn't have a group name, just four villains teaming up.
ProjectX2 said:
Ultimate Daredevil: The Game

Major Mission #1: "Punishment"
Matt Murdock awakes from a nightmare. He remembers how his dad was killed, and how he made his 'costume' out of his dad's old boxing uniform. His head hurts. He hears an alarm go off – Rikers Prison is being attacked. Matt puts on his costume, and as Daredevil heads towards the island where the prison is located.

Daredevil arrives to see smoke rising out of the prison. He enters slowly, seeing if there is any danger. As he makes his way throughout the ruined prison, he is attacked by petty criminals. After a few fights he finally makes his way into the centre of the prison where he sees the vigilante known as the Punisher. Presuming the Punisher is responsible for this incident, Daredevil fights him. Daredevil eventually knocks Punisher out and escapes into the night. Little does he know he is being watched…

Major Mission #2: "Enforced"
Daredevil realises that a group known as the Enforcers – Mr. Big, Fancy Dan, Ox and Montana, are hiding out at an abandoned warehouse. He heads their at once.

As he enters the warehouse, he is attacked by Fancy Dan who shoots at him. After Daredevil beats him, Montana uses a whip against him. Finally, Ox charges at Daredevil. Once Daredevil knocks them all unconscious, a man steps out from the shadows. He says his name is Mr. Big, and that he has a message from the Kingpin. Mr. Big tells Daredevil that rival gangs are attempting to take over New York City and take out the Kingpin. The Kingpin wants some decent protection, and is willing to pay Daredevil. Daredevil says he doesn't want the money and leaves.

Major Mission #3: "Guilt"
The next day at work, Matt Murdock is interrupted by a man called Turk. He says he has a message for Daredevil – join the Kingpin or die. Later that night, Matt decides to visit the Kingpin as Daredevil.

When he reaches Fisk Towers, Daredevil is attacked by random thugs. After quickly dispatching them, Daredevil spars with the Kingpin, is quite strong. Daredevil tells Wilson Fisk – the Kingpin, to stay out of his life. The Kingpin then tells him that if he doesn't comply, Hell's Kitchen will be burned to the ground. The gang war will engulf the entire city. If Daredevil doesn't stop it, hundreds will perish. Daredevil gives in and tells Fisk he'll help him eliminate the competition…

Major Mission #4: "Hammerhead"
One of the people attempting to take over the Kingpin's place is Silvermane. Silvermane's main man is a guy who calls himself Hammerhead. Hammerhead has been messing around in Kingpin's areas and Kingpin wants Daredevil to take him out.

Daredevil heads out to the docks, where Hammerhead is supposedly hiding. He fights off some thugs and enters a building. A battle ensues between Daredevil and Hammerhead, and after a few bullets and head butts, Daredevil manages to win.

Major Mission #5: "Silvermane"
Daredevil breaks into Silvermane's hideout, and after going through floors of security guards and thugs, manages to find Silvermane. Daredevil tells Silvermane to stay the hell away from Hell's Kitchen and the Kingpin and then attempts to leave. However, he is interrupted by Hammerhead who is furious. After a short battle, Daredevil beats Hammerhead again, and leaves for good. Hammerhead swears that he will be the next Kingpin…

Major Mission #6: "Tombstone"
The Kingpin has only one more major enemy to contend with – The Owl. The Owl's main man – a guy named Tombstone who's skin is as hard as rock – just happens to be in a graveyard. Daredevil tracks him down, and fights off the gang members. Tombstone attempts to kill Daredevil, but fails. Daredevil leaves the unconscious Tombstone in an empty grave.

Major Mission #7: "The Owl Takes Flight"
Daredevil breaks into the Owl's hideout in an abandoned warehouse. After fighting through mass amounts of security, Daredevil comes face to face with the ugly man. However, the Owl isn't alone and uses his bodyguard – Mr. Hyde to distract Daredevil while he escapes. After using a wrecking ball to nearly kill Mr. Hyde, Daredevil chases after the Owl who is escaping in a car. After smashing the car into a wall, Daredevil beats the Owl's guards and shoves the Owl against the wall. He tells Owl to enjoy his time in prison and then leaves.

Major Mission #8: "Bullseye"
It's been a long week, but finally Daredevil has finished. He's prevented a gang war, and has tired himself out. However, the Kingpin planned on tiring Daredevil out, then eliminating a possible thorn in his side in a swift strike. The Kingpin only uses the best – and that is Bullseye.

Just as Daredevil is about to head towards his apartment, he is interrupted by Bullseye. Bullseye tells Daredevil he's sending him straight to hell – where he belongs. He throws anything he can get his hands on, and eventually Daredevil manages to defeat Bullseye. However, it seems one of the shuriken struck Daredevil, and he faints due to loss of blood.
Sounds great. I Love how he's picking apart the underworld. But it seems like it needs closure?
TheManWithoutFear said:
Sounds great. I Love how he's picking apart the underworld. But it seems like it needs closure?

Yeah, it ain't finished yet. There was going to be a fight with Elektra, The Hand, Electro and the Kingpin.
ProjectX2 said:
Yeah, it ain't finished yet. There was going to be a fight with Elektra, The Hand, Electro and the Kingpin.

How about some cameos besides the Punisher like: Spider-Man, Maybe have one of the Ultimates try to recruit Daredevil, but DD turns them down, & Maybe Ben Urich.

Maybe when DD sees the Punisher have him do a voice over reflecting back about how he first meet the punisher back in the Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #7.
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the watcher said:
How about some cameos besides the Punisher like: Spider-Man, Maybe have one of the Ultimates try to recruit Daredevil, but DD turns them down, & Maybe Ben Urich.

Maybe when DD sees the Punisher have him do a voice over reflecting back about how he first meet the punisher back in the Ultimate Marvel Team-Up #7.

As I said above, there are minor missions in between which involved Fury, Spidey, Wolverine, and some others that I can't remember. I wanted to have DD and Thing beating on some Yancy Street Gang thugs, but didn't think it would fit into the timeline.
I was thinkin' about a team-up for Daredevil and Fantastic Four with Electro as a nod to Daredevil #2.

So how about mini arc in Fantastic Four when they're being sued for everything that went on in Millar's run. Only it's Reed and Ben meeting with Matt about it and suddenly Electro who somehow is free again attacks and it's a quick 3 on 1.
Here's some ideas for two storyarcs I came up with:

On Beetle's Wings:

Stilt-Man is back, more dangerous than ever. After he manages to beat both Daredevil and Spider-Man, he moves to onto his target: Abner Jenkins AKA Beetle. After he manages to kidnap Beetle, DD and Spidey join forces to save Beetle and stop Stilt-Man. Will they save Jenkins? Or will Stilt-Man have his revenge?


Stilt-Man, Jester, Leapfrog, Gladiator and Cobra break out of prison and want revenge on Daredevil. While this is happening, Matt also has to deal with Karen and Foggy, who start to think he is Daredevil. How can he be in two places at once?
Ultimate Incredibles said:
Here's some ideas for two storyarcs I came up with:

On Beetle's Wings:

Stilt-Man is back, more dangerous than ever. After he manages to beat both Daredevil and Spider-Man, he moves to onto his target: Abner Jenkins AKA Beetle. After he manages to kidnap Beetle, DD and Spidey join forces to save Beetle and stop Stilt-Man. Will they save Jenkins? Or will Stilt-Man have his revenge?


Stilt-Man, Jester, Leapfrog, Gladiator and Cobra break out of prison and want revenge on Daredevil. While this is happening, Matt also has to deal with Karen and Foggy, who start to think he is Daredevil. How can he be in two places at once?

Interesting, though if I might suggestion on changing the losers team. I had an idea to introduce Ultimate Cobra as a dangerous and deranged poison expert who can pose a threat to the whole city, a sicko who gets pleasure out poisoning people, personally I don't think Cobra should a loser in the Ultimate Universe.

Also I would like the focus on Gladiator in the Ultimate Universe to be one of man tortured by inner demons that DD tries to reform rather than just another goofy criminal, so would rather not he be in the loser team. Keep Jester, Stilt-Man and Leap-Frog, add in the Matador (I ultimazied him as a loser in the UDD Rogues thread) and have Turk tag along. Now that's a loser team. Good idea though.
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Okay, here is a new version of my Losers UDD arc:

Stilt-Man, Jester, Leapfrog, Matador and Turk join forces to beat DD once and for all. Meanwhile, Matt has to deal with Foggy and Karen, who start thinking he's DD. Soon, Matt is invited to a meeting with Foggy and Karen, but at the same time, the Losers are ravaging NYC and Hell's Kitchen. How can he be in two places at once?

I have ideas for more arcs, but I'll stick to this and my On Beetle's Wings arc.
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