Ultimate Daredevil storylines

TheManWithoutFear said:
Stick Kills Typhoid, Bullsye's killed by Daredevil out of anger, Hyde is killed basicly by himeself. But it doesn't matter cos they're just what I was doing wtih them. You can still do you're own thing.

Yeah, he should have a costume. I don't think he has to be a bad looking guy though. Give me a scene where he's entertaining a female friend and goes all Christian Bale on her ***. Let's make him scary on the inside. Like the Typhoid "double personality" I'd like to see a costume used sparingly. This is The Ultimate Universe and there should be a more realistic twist on them. I would say Fear works mostly behind the scenes until he really has to come out of the shadows. Skull mask is a must though. I'd say give him the hoody under the zippered jacket look. I dunno if you know what I'm talking about but the werewolfs in Underworld sported them a lot. It's a more current look and it would distance his more pleasent/classier look to a street levelish style.

No he doesn't have to ugly at all, just a twisted and bitter man who suffers from a fear of failure. Ugly on the inside. I believe a business suit with a skull mask would work best, like Scarecrow from Batman Begins or the Red Skull from the 90s. The business suit would make him look classy and the Skull mask would hide his face while he is committing crimes, give his victims something to focus on while under the fear gas and will act as a gas mask.
The Overlord said:
No he doesn't have to ugly at all, just a twisted and bitter man who suffers from a fear of failure. Ugly on the inside. I believe a business suit with a skull mask would work best, like Scarecrow from Batman Begins or the Red Skull from the 90s. The business suit would make him look classy and the Skull mask would hide his face while he is committing crimes, give his victims something to focus on while under the fear gas and will act as a gas mask.
Got the gas mask part down. I can't do a business suit with a skull mask it reminds me of a terrible "Less Than Jake" show I went too once.. :sick:
TheManWithoutFear said:
Got the gas mask part down. I can't do a business suit with a skull mask it reminds me of a terrible "Less Than Jake" show I went too once.. :sick:

Just my pov but I like the business suit with a skull mask I just don't think sweat shirt with a hood is threatening or classy.
TheManWithoutFear said:
If Xavier knows about this and wants it investigated who would he send in to infiltrate the Morlocks? I really would like for Nightcrawler to show up but doesn't he treat Nightcrawler as a kid and holds him back or is it because of his appearance? Because if it was his appearance, let's throw him in there. Devils and Demons
Dude! Think about it: we're talking about Xavier, black ops work, and somebody with a freakish appearance... SYNDICATE is the man for the job.
The Overlord said:
Just my pov but I like the business suit with a skull mask I just don't think sweat shirt with a hood is threatening or classy.
Because a man in a business suit and a mask is just so terrifying...

TheManWithoutFear said:
Yeah, I do. Bushwacker as a priest isn't so out there. He was one before he became the hitman and I've always liked that part of Stephen King's Silver Bullet.

Good deal. I thought I had bad/cheasey titles. :lol:
I've also been working on a Fantastic Four/DD story but I wanted to incorporate Electro as sort of a nod to 616.. WHo are the Dactly Crew?

Theyre those guys from the Spider-Man TV series that had jet packs and really huge guns. Dactly is short for Pteridactly (which is pronounced 'dactle')
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Doc Comic said:
Because a man in a business suit and a mask is just so terrifying...


Bah, the Red Skull had that look a decade before BB Scarecrow did.
Red Skull is truly terrifying, though, because of his actions and his mind. BB Scarecrow just seemed like a wuss with fear gas.
Deal With The Devil:

Children across NYC are been kidnapped and killed. This looks like the work of the same gang of circus freaks that DD saved Mickey O'Connor from. However their leader, Maynard Tiboldt, also know as the Ringmaster is still in prison. Ringmaster informs the police that his Circus gang has been taken over by Eliot Franklin (also known as the Clown), a twisted child molester and child killer. Ringmaster is disgusted with the Clown, he does not approve of the Clown's sexual preverted ways. Ringmaster may be a child killer, but he would never rape anyone and does not approve of it.

Maynard agrees to help capture his former gang in return for a greatly reduced sentence. the police get DD to help, with the Ringmaster acting as their information expert. However can the Ringmaster be trusted?
TheManWithoutFear said:
I really think the "Business suit" fear is something out of 1990's.

Alright, fine, no business suit for Mr. Fear, can we move on? What do you think of my new story idea "Deal With the Devil"?
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The Overlord said:
Alright, fine, no business suit for Mr. Fear, can we have on? What do you think of my new story idea "Deal With the Devil"?

You can do whatever you want with your made up characters :) Can we have? What's that mean?

You're new idea... I guess it could work with good subplots and twists but looking at just the main plot it seems like a clone of The Ringmaster story.
TheManWithoutFear said:
You can do whatever you want with your made up characters :) Can we have? What's that mean?

You're new idea... I guess it could work with good subplots and twists but looking at just the main plot it seems like a clone of The Ringmaster story.

That was typo, all fixed now.

You have a point, perhaps the Ringmaster works better as a one shot character.
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The Overlord said:
You have a point, perhaps the Ringmaster works better as a one shot character.
Well, if you wait enough time between the arcs some similarity may copliment the story. And you could show a different perspective with Ringmaster as a jailed informant.
Pandrio said:
Well, if you wait enough time between the arcs some similarity may copliment the story. And you could show a different perspective with Ringmaster as a jailed informant.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking but that would have to played carefully.


Urban Development

The international business tycoon, Obadiah Stane has been lobbying the NYC city government to allow him to plow down Hell's Kitchen and replace it with a Stane International Industrial park. So far the city has refused Stane's request, so he hires the Gael to set up explosives on the gas mains in Hell's Kitchen and making it look like one of the local gangs did it. Daredevil finds out about this scheme from an unlikely source, the Kingpin, who desires to see Hell's Kitchen spared as much as DD does, it be bad for business otherwise. Can DD save Hell's Kitchen?
Pick Your Poison:

A twisted killer named the Cobra has come to NYC with plans to poison a large group of people. DD discovers this mad plot and vows to stop it. However things become more personal when Karen Page and Foggy Nelson are exposed to Cobra's deadly poison. Both now only have 24 hours to live. DD nows has to race against time to save both NYC and his friends.
The Overlord said:
Pick Your Poison:

A twisted killer named the Cobra has come to NYC with plans to poison a large group of people. DD discovers this mad plot and vows to stop it. However things become more personal when Karen Page and Foggy Nelson are exposed to Cobra's deadly poison. Both now only have 24 hours to live. DD nows has to race against time to save both NYC and his friends.

Urban Development - I like it. I wouldn't be useing a character like Stane until I see where he goes in the UIM unless your smart and ignore Card's ****ty work. Overall good idea though.

Pick Your Poison - I like the Cobra ultimization. Is he just a normal guy who calls into the cops/feds and goes by the codename "Cobra"? The conflict seems intense. Another good story.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Urban Development - I like it. I wouldn't be useing a character like Stane until I see where he goes in the UIM unless your smart and ignore Card's ****ty work. Overall good idea though.

Pick Your Poison - I like the Cobra ultimization. Is he just a normal guy who calls into the cops/feds and goes by the codename "Cobra"? The conflict seems intense. Another good story.

I'm trying to ignore UIM, though the evil business man doesn't have to be Stane, its just that just of the other evil business men from 616 MU are dead or MIA (Justin Hammer, Norman Osborn, Shaw, etc.) Plus the Kingpin would never plow down Hell's Kitchen, he makes too much money off it. Is there any prominent evil business men not yet used in UU?

As for Cobra, Klaus Voorhees uses the name Cobra as an alias when dealing his designer poisons to the black market. He is normal human with a brillant mind, one of the world's leading experts in the field of chemistry who happens to be a sadist who has an uncontrollable impluse to poison people and study the effects of the poison on the human body. He would be willing to poison a pre school class just see the effects of his handiwork on their bodies. He is one sick puppy.
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