The Timeline Guy
Cover #5:
Heh, Death of That Other Spider-Man.
But thankfully, Miles isn't going anywhere... unless his appearance in 616's Avengers title is a sign that the 616 universe is in fact the Ultimate universe's afterlife...

Cover #5:
Heh, Death of That Other Spider-Man.
But thankfully, Miles isn't going anywhere... unless his appearance in 616's Avengers title is a sign that the 616 universe is in fact the Ultimate universe's afterlife...
You just JFK'd me.
Yeah, the Miles Morales - USM ongoing is the only reliably decent Ultimate title. I enjoy it quite a bit.
The current arc would be so much more interesting without Norman. I am legitimately curious about Maybe-Peter. Norman's story was finished before Ultimatum happened.
I'd be interested about Maybe-Peter too, if there was any chance it was actually Peter.
I'm actually reasonably convinced that it is him after the last issue. Norman proved he can't be killed, Peter remembers his past. Seems legit to me. But more to the point, if they really are going to stop publishing the Ultimate line, and they want to bring Miles into the 616, it would be a nice to have Peter and his crew have a happy ending.
I'm actually reasonably convinced that it is him after the last issue. Norman proved he can't be killed, Peter remembers his past. Seems legit to me. But more to the point, if they really are going to stop publishing the Ultimate line, and they want to bring Miles into the 616, it would be a nice to have Peter and his crew have a happy ending.
It could be him. But we still don't know what that item, that Uncle Aaron stole is. And I think that and how it's connected to all this, will be reviled within the next two issues.
What did Peter and MJ mean by "she bought it" after Peter talks to Aunt May and the two of them leave together. That was weird.
MJ clearly knows something is amiss. I wouldn't be surprised if she's in on it.
meaning what? That he's not actually Peter after all?