Ultimate Comics Spider-Man/Miles Morales Discussion (SPOILERS)

Re: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Discussion (SPOILERS)

I think of all the artists I've seen draw USM (any incarnation), the worst was Mark Bagely.

And Mark Bagely is a fine artist.
I liked the art from the issue.

Bass said:
I think of all the artists I've seen draw USM (any incarnation), the worst was Mark Bagely.

And Mark Bagely is a fine artist.

He also knows how to put me on the spot. Round 2 will be mine!!
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Bass said:
I think of all the artists I've seen draw USM (any incarnation), the worst was Mark Bagely.

Disrespecting people isn't respect.
Finally read #6. I didn't really like the art either. His costume was very feminine-looking. Story this issue was a little lacking, too.
Re: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Discussion (SPOILERS)

I liked the story well enough and the art might grow on me eventually.
I am however kind of worried about the fan speculation that Miles might be gay.
Now I have no problem with gay superheroes, but can you imagine the sh*tstorm if they make Spidey black AND gay!?
It would tear the internet in half!
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robje said:
I have no idea how on earth they are going to defeat Reed without pulling a complete Deus Ex Machina out of their ass.
He has already beaten the gods of asgard. The strongest Ultimates could to nothing against him (no way Cap could make a difference at this point).
Even pitching him against the Eternals/Celestials somehow would seem contrived. He has had a 1000 years to prepare. He is now a bigger threat than Ultimate Doom ever was.
Seriously, the set-up has totally gone over the edge. No way the pay-off can possibly live up to it.
Where on earth is Hickman taking this!?!?

Wrong thread. No problem.
If a mod doesn't move this to the Ultimates thread I'll get it later.
Re: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Discussion (SPOILERS)

There's fan speculation that Miles is gay? What evidence has there ever been that he's gay?

Anyways, I liked Pichelli's art more, but it's not like this new stuff is BAD. The story for this arc is just getting started, so it's hard to pass judgment on it - it's all clearly setup.
Re: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Discussion (SPOILERS)

How old is Miles supposed to be? He just started a new school, so I'm guessing grade 9 and probably 13/14. Does that sound right?
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Re: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Discussion (SPOILERS)

There's fan speculation that Miles is gay? What evidence has there ever been that he's gay?

It's only speculation, but he does seem more effeminate than Peter was, has no female friends (but what boy does at 13? Yuk, girls!) and seems really close with his one male friend.
Also, this page:


(out of context obviously)
#7 was just set up for the inevitable confrontation between Miles and his uncle, but understanding that, it was pretty good.
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This has been a great series so far. Everything has been entertaining from story to art. This is the Bendis that we all wish we could have in all the books he writes.
Re: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Discussion (SPOILERS)

Oh wow. Issue #8 was fun!
Return of the crazy people at the police-station dressed as Marvel heroes.
Loved the dialogue between the officers about the kangaroo.
The Scorpion is being set up to be the new Kingpin. (also; the shirt joke was priceless)
Return of the ringer.

I thought it was a solid issue. Can't wait for the next!
The intro-page spoiled both Scorpions Kingpin status AND prowler knowing Spideys identity. THat was bad form.
Re: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Discussion (SPOILERS)

Oh wow. Issue #8 was fun!
Return of the crazy people at the police-station dressed as Marvel heroes.
Loved the dialogue between the officers about the kangaroo.
The Scorpion is being set up to be the new Kingpin. (also; the shirt joke was priceless)
Return of the ringer.

I thought it was a solid issue. Can't wait for the next!
The intro-page spoiled both Scorpions Kingpin status AND prowler knowing Spideys identity. THat was bad form.

Prowler already found out Miles is Spidey in the last issue actually.
Re: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Discussion (SPOILERS)

He did? I thought he didnt? *checks back last issue* Right, he did. Never mind.

Im really curious what they'll do with Gwen and Aunt May. At least they arnt ignoring them.
Re: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Discussion (SPOILERS)

Sara Pichelli is such a huge improvement on this book.

And yes, #8 was good. For some reason the use of the d-list villains like The Ringer seems better in this book, but I can't really point to why.

I just cannot believe this book is written by the same guy that's writing Avengers.

Also, Uncle Aaron looks like Snoop Dogg.
Re: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Discussion (SPOILERS)

Also, Uncle Aaron looks like Snoop Dogg.

Agree. When I read my comics. I like to imagine some celebrity or even people I know doing the voices for the characters. At first I chose Snoop Dogg as his voice since he looks so much like him. But now I feel Ice-T seems to be a better fit. But it still thoughs me off a little bit when I see him.