Ultimate Comics Spider-Man/Miles Morales Discussion (SPOILERS)

Re: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Discussion (SPOILERS)

Like they aren't asking to be judged on their looks, positive or negative. I guess it's biology and it's inevitable on some level, so what can you do.
You realize I'm being facetious, yes? Compound is pretty bad about this actually, so I love trolling him on matters of female comic book creators and their looks.

I always feel bad for thinking things like that with comic creators.
So you admit to it! :D
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Re: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Discussion (SPOILERS)

You realize I'm being facetious, yes?

No, but I wasn't judging. Reading that I realize it sounds like I was. I was just saying me, personally.
Re: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Discussion (SPOILERS)

Sara Pachelli (actress from the TV show Deadwood)

Sara Pichelli (comic book artists, currently the artist on Ultimates Spider-Man)

I think we might be a bit mixed up.
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Re: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Discussion (SPOILERS)

Sara Pachelli (actress from the TV show Deadwood)

Sara Pichelli (comic book artists, currently the artist on Ultimates Spider-Man)

I think we might be a bit mixed up.

Re: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Discussion (SPOILERS)

Whatsup guys... this is my first post in a long time. But I've been reading Ultimate Spidey and i needed some people to talk with about it and since we go wayyyyy back, i figured you guys would do well enough. Got back on board a little before the whole "death of" thing and before the "black-spideygate" jumped into the news and while Spidey has been consistently the best book in the Ultimate (land?), I'm really digging the new spidey. He's no Peter but he's like BRAND new and i'm liking this origin thing that's going on. As I rarely pick up new books or new characters (kinda been reading about the same guys for like the last 15 years with few newcomers -- think the newest persistent character i read now is Invincible) I'm liking the character development alot on this line, and it got me on board with a new character wrapped in old character's clothing (literally). So yea, I'm back guys. *proceeds to bookmark webpage*
Re: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Discussion (SPOILERS)

So there hasn't been any comments in this thread in a while.

The first arc is over, and i feel like it was a really good set up. I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes from here. I'm hoping Bendis doesn't just drop the threads left hanging from Peter Parker (Mysterio and the Zodiac Key, etc) but I'm guessing he wants to establish Miles as his own character a bit more before he sends him off to tie up Peter Parker's loose ends.
Re: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Discussion (SPOILERS)

So there hasn't been any comments in this thread in a while.

The first arc is over, and i feel like it was a really good set up. I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes from here. I'm hoping Bendis doesn't just drop the threads left hanging from Peter Parker (Mysterio and the Zodiac Key, etc) but I'm guessing he wants to establish Miles as his own character a bit more before he sends him off to tie up Peter Parker's loose ends.

I was just thinking about how this is such an uncharacteristically good book from Bendis. Not that he hasn't written good books, but they haven't been as...I'm not sure what the right word is here...complete, maybe? It's thorough...it feels fully fleshed out and detailed and not decompressed. He seriously has not written this well since Daredevil.
Re: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Discussion (SPOILERS)

I actually love Ultimate Spider-Man again. I never thought that would happen.

I hope it continues to be this good.
Re: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Discussion (SPOILERS)

Just read #6. My thoughts:

1) Jesus, the art went to **** quickly!
2) I love this series and the new spider-man.
3) That is a WAY better Ultimate Scorpion than the clone.
4) That last panel made me laugh.

That is all.
Re: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Discussion (SPOILERS)

Yeah, the art was kind of bad. But other than that I thought it was a good issue.
Re: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Discussion (SPOILERS)

It's funny how Marvel's "lets include a digital download code" initiative actually made me download a torrent of the comic. I bought the book, but it's bagged - I assume so no one steals the codes off the shelf. But I'm just enough of an obsessive collector that if if comes bagged, I don't open it. So I bought it, but then I downloaded the torrent and read that.

I never stopped loving Ultimate Spider-Man, but this is great.

except for the art this issue. It wasn't bad, but I wasn't a huge fan. But this happens with me EVERY time they switch the artist on USM.
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Re: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Discussion (SPOILERS)

I can't believe you guys don't like Chris Samnee. You're all nuts.
Re: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Discussion (SPOILERS)

I love Chris Samnee. He's a great artist.
Re: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Discussion (SPOILERS)

So, 6 was good again. I think Ultimate Spidey is my favorite book right now again. HOWEVER...

With all that being said, what a dramatic change in art direction right? I'm struggling with it. It's not bad but before now the art could've been argued as the best Ultimate book out (toss up between USM and Ultimates), but now...
Re: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Discussion (SPOILERS)

So, 6 was good again. I think Ultimate Spidey is my favorite book right now again. HOWEVER...

With all that being said, what a dramatic change in art direction right? I'm struggling with it. It's not bad but before now the art could've been argued as the best Ultimate book out (toss up between USM and Ultimates), but now...

Completely agree. The original USM lasted 133 issues before the art went to ****. Still really like this book right now.
Re: Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Discussion (SPOILERS)

I don't know why it bothers me so much every time they change the artist on this book. But I hate the new art EVERY TIME. Then I get used to it. I hated Immonen, then I hated Lafuente, then I hated Pichelli. (I think there were a couple others in there that I don't remember. I probably hated them too).

So yeah, I'm sure this Samnee guy is a good artist. But I'm an artistic reactionary on USM for some reason.

I'm not saying I'm right, or that it makes sense, it just is what it is.
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