Ultimate Comics Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

I think UAvsNU is a clone of Ultimate Power: Avengers will believe Ultimates have done a bad thing, and vice-versa.
It will result with Fury knowing since the beginning what he always do and becoming the good samaritain.

I believe hardly Ultimate Enemy/Mystery/Doom happen after Death of Spider-Man and UAvsNU: the Parker's house being destroyed in it and not in the current USM comics, plus the fact that we can see the broken shield of Captain America in the Pegasus Project.
In these comics, Fury tries to hide him from the others, and looks like he doesn't control anymore Hawkeye (who is always a Black Ops however).
I think they're going to bring Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver back to life, and then Red Skull is going to make him impregnate her, and then booby-trap her uterus.
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I think they're going to bring Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver back to life, and then Red Skull is going to make him impregnate her, and then booby-trap her uterus.

Post of the Day.
Read this today. My favorite part had to be
Tony telling Thor that by giving $10 million to charity if he spoke normally
made me crack up. That's how you fix that! Also,
Gregory is revealed to be the one who set up Fury and Danvers: Fury is shot multiple times at the end of the issue, Davers was hit by a car during the battle and may be brain damaged, and the POTUS promoted Gregory at the Director of SHIELD
Read this today. My favorite part had to be
Tony telling Thor that by giving $10 million to charity if he spoke normally
made me crack up. That's how you fix that! Also,
Gregory is revealed to be the one who set up Fury and Danvers: Fury is shot multiple times at the end of the issue, Davers was hit by a car during the battle and may be brain damaged, and the POTUS promoted Gregory at the Director of SHIELD

this issue was mostly Mark Millar fixing things he doesn't like about the Ultimates:
Thor -
back to speaking normally
SHIELD run by
Carol Danvers - she gets hit by a car for no reason and is now probably brain damaged
The two teams
are back together as one team
Nick Fury is about to
prove himself as being awesome b/c Greg Stark just executed a LMD (watch, that's what happened)

that and he erased OSC's Iron Man history in earlier issues. By the time this series is done, Fury will be back in charge and the Ultimates will look pretty similar to how they looked at the end of Ultimates 2
that and he erased OSC's Iron Man history in earlier issues. By the time this series is done, Fury will be back in charge and the Ultimates will look pretty similar to how they looked at the end of Ultimates 2

I only wished this happen when I still cared.
Hmm, well, it looks like since the Death of Spider-man crossover in this book appears to be done, it's alright for this to be late again lol. Just saying cause it was coming out the same time USM was for a bit
Ultimate New Avengers vs New Ultimates #6 - BLAH. Is this the final nail in the coffin of the current Ultimate Universe? Seems like it. This whole series was completely ridiculous, and Millar has been so consistently disappointing lately that I can't bring myself to care about anything he does anymore. And that makes me sad because I really really like a lot of his work.
like drinking.

I follow him on Twitter. This is not inaccurate.

Which is funny because he got really sick a few years ago and said the doctor told him he can't drink at all anymore.
The issue was just weird. I mean, a lot of the series read like a TAKE THAT to the stupid **** that others introduced post Ultimates 2, but this issue was Millar doing that to changes that HE HIMSELF PUT IN THERE. The Spider and Gregory Stark (who I actually think should have been kept around) specifically, but the series itself was just such a strange, strange read.

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