XTFLyons said:that was very touching dragonmaster....
...but where the hell did that come from??
I understood where he was coming from. *shrug*
XTFLyons said:that was very touching dragonmaster....
...but where the hell did that come from??
dust. said:from http://www.alphaflight.net/interviews/mm_interview1.php
AlphaFlight.net: I'm sure you were expecting some anger due to you writing the death of one of Marvel's few openly gay characters, not to mention most popular as such. Do have any reaction you would like to share about those calling you homophobic, or bigoted for this choice?
Mark Millar: It's just ridiculous and, thankfully, very few have suggested this was even a motive. As someone who's won two gay and lesbian awards for the treatment of Apollo and The Midnighter, had glowing reviews in a clutch of gay magazines, was all over the British tabloid press three years ago defending my use of gay superheroes (even when the cardinal of my own church described it as a disgrace) and introduced a gay Colossus into Ultimate X-Men, it just seems preposterous to assume this is bigoted in any way. I'm comic-books most dripping-wet liberal. This was an equal opportunities kill, as you might say. His sexuality didn't enter my head. It's like saying World War Two was an exercise in homophobia because hundreds of thousands of the troops who died would have been gay. It's just completely inconsequential to the story, no more relevant than the death of Harry Osborn or Barry Allen being an attack on heterosexuality.
:lol:UltimateE said:Outted by Mark Millar! I smell a Jerry Springer appearance...
Goodwill said:I think Millar makes gay characters because they are contreversial... That being said, I think he does it unnecessarily, too. He's trying to get a rise out of these people, really. I don't really appreciate that, especially when he picked the wrong character to make gay... It should've been Beast; that would've made more sense to me at the time.