thee great one
Master of TOG-fu.
:rockon: :rockon:
NoBass said:Can the Avatars survive Hollywood?
Toys. Avatar toys EVERYWHEREBass said:What is James Sholl's plan?
NoBass said:Will Ultimate Gambit become a player in Hollywood?
Flash greanades.Bass said:How will The Man Without Fear escape the paparazzi?
NoBass said:Will anyone believe DIrishB that Tog is Thee Great One in a flimsy disguise of just glasses and a t-shirt?
No, but it'll get a nice Nurachi's cut DVD editionBass said:Will Nurhachi's vision of the movie come to the silver screen?
Hell yes.Bass said:Will the new religious cult surrounding Project X2, go to his head?
Hasn't he already?Bass said:Will Icemastertron sell out?
A toothy fellow...Bass said:And just who is Tog anyway?
Pandrio said:When this actually does come out the title should be changed to Ultimate Central:The Fanfic - volume 6 (Story starts on page #). That would be cool.
DIrishB said:Still no issue...this is very much like the Ultimates.
Bass said:... um... I didn't say it would be out today. Look at my sig. I'm hoping to get it done by Thursday, but I'm finding it very hard to get the free time to do it. So you guys are just going to have to bear with me, I'm afraid.![]()
Bass said:I'm really sorry guys. It's 3.30am over here, and I'm trying to get the fanfic in order. It's over a third done at the moment. Due to a lot of crap, I'm not getting the work done. It's not bad crap like my life is in the toilet - it's just time-consuming crap. I won't bore you with the details, but I don't think Thursday is a believable date for me to have #40 ready by. I would certainly hope I could get it up on the weekend.
I am still going to try to get it posted on Thursday, but if I fail - sorry. Really am. I know I'm holding everyone else up with this, but I wasn't prepared at all when DSF finished his arc, and I thought MWOF would post his one-shot a week later, rather than just a day or two afterwards. So, it's all my fault, I suck, I know. But, hopefully, you'll see #40 on Thursday.
To show you how lazy I'm not, here's a crappy webcam snapshot of a sketch for the cover to #40.
I'm going to go to bed now, and dream of deadlines.
EDIT - Just read DIrishB's post. :humblepie:
ProjectX2 said:Did you draw that?
DIrishB said:Slacker.
So Nur, maybe wanna reconsider letting some of us who've completed one-shot arcs to release them, sort of to take off some of the pressure on Bass? Like I said, its only a simple matter of fixing a few things in mine to allow for continuity and stuff.
Bass said:If I don't have #40 by Saturday, I'll happily bow out for someone else to post issues until I can get my act together. I'm still aiming to have #40 done by Thursday. I think I can do it.
Bass said:Each Avatar appears on the cover in a tux, smiling for the cameras. So that's like 1/6 of the cover. I may not have time to get it all coloured by Thursday. But the words are what counts.
I'll get it done.
Doc Comic said:So the people who aren't Avatars don't get badass drawings then?