Victor Von Doom
Fist of teh Internets.
I agree with everything you said, VVD... Especially about the looks of the Transformers...
Optimus Prime from the Cartoon is iconic. Optimus Prime in the movie is just another robot, who for some reason has a Nose and Lips.
Which was stupid because when he was fighting he actually had that guard go over his nose and mouth. Why not just have him wear it all the time?
Why did the robots need to have fangs?
I just didn't like it.
And why was I the only one who laughed outloud when the screen said "Qatar - The Middle East"? You mean as opposed to the Qatar in Florida? :lol: And then....they had the nerver to tell us again that it was "Qatar- The Middle East". You mean it's the same Qatar as it was an hour ago? They're not in the Qatar in Southern Kansas? :lol:
And for the record----Qatar looks NOTHING like that. It's actually very pebble-ish and built up as hell. Maybe 5 years ago Qatar was all tents....but now it's dorms, pools, Subway, Starbucks, etc.
Qatar is the Puerto Rico of the Middle East.