This is how Bendis controls people's minds

Goodwill said:
In my honest opinion, tattoos are like scars... Scars that we choose to have. Since they are scars, they should be significant or having something to them other than "Hey, I'm a comic fan, lemme get Spider-Man tatted on my back" or "Awesome, that looks totally rad... I want that around my arm!" Personally, if I were to get a tattoo, I'd get something having to do with the US or my religion or something.

Not to say that this guy's tattoo doesn't mean anything....but I agree. Mine actually means something to me and it won't look like bollocks when I get older.

I like comics...I serve in the US military. It all makes sense. I'm actually thinking about another one. Another Cap homage. I'm thinking his field helmet from Ultimates. Hmmmmmmm....:?
Here's a good story I just remember. This guy at my brother's college is in a wheel car, he's had 20 operations by the time he was 18. At one point he was stuck in a hospital and was really suicidal. Then a nurse handed him a Spider-man comic, he says "what's the deal with this?" She says "Just read it" and he became a hardcore spidey fan. and Becaus eof that one comic he's no longer suicidal and has a crazy tatoo of Spidey Venom and Carnage covering either his leg or arm (I forget). I think that's cool to get a tatoo to represent this change in your life, but not a straight up panel that's pretty insignificant. If he got one that had more meaning I'd be cool. So yeah that guy choose a bad tattoo
thee great one said:
If I ever got one it would mean something.

I was thinking of a TOG one in Vegas.

RANDOM GUY: "Tog?" What does that mean?

DEAN: Thee One Great... wait a second...
Some people view tattoos as "body art" and maybe this guy does too. In that case this guy chose a great tattoo, because it looks amazing. I actually like it. Lame comic guy jokes aside, it still looks good. And he obviously is not ashamed of it. To me it's no different then vic's cap shield. It could be symbolic to the guy. Maybe he feels like he has a massive inner demon inside that he wants to let out but he can't because he's always got some little jerk on his back. Or maybe he's just a big Spidey fan and thought that page looked cool. Either way I'm not really going to judge his choice of tattoo. Especially when it looks as good as this one. Because I've seen a whole lot of other tattoos that people think have so much meaning but look so much ugly.
Gotta admit I have toyed with the idea of doing a full arm sleeve with the Ultimate Universe as a theme…
He's baaaaaaaaaaack....

What a loser, he walks around with the back of his shirt cut out so he can get attention. Its like girls at the gym who just stand there, trying to look hot hoping someone will talk to them.
Bendis looks like Lex Luthor....well he does

anyway i think it looks awesome man best tat ever ya'll can say what ya want but i think it looks cool
Iceshadow said:
What a loser, he walks around with the back of his shirt cut out so he can get attention. Its like girls at the gym who just stand there, trying to look hot hoping someone will talk to them.

"Hey babe. Wanna go out some time? *clicks tongue twice while pointing index finger at her* Hey. Check it. Guess what that's from? Can you guess? That's from Ultimate Spider-Man #6, yo. I can look at any panel from any of the issues and can immediately tell which issue it's from. H- Hey! Where 'ya going. Heh. Alriiight."
Iceshadow said:
What a loser, he walks around with the back of his shirt cut out so he can get attention. Its like girls at the gym who just stand there, trying to look hot hoping someone will talk to them.

Might as well have worn a muscle shirt and just take it off when people ask to see it.