This is how Bendis controls people's minds


He Sees You When You're Sleeping. He Knows When Yo
Oct 24, 2004
New York, NY

I bet you that this guy buys a whole box of Ultimate Spider-Man comics a month.
It would look so much better without spider-man then some people won't automatically write you off as a loser.
I have a tatoo of Capt America's shield on my shoulder. But all that across the back???? Naw....too corny.

Am I the only one who thinks Bendis looks like Charlotte's husband from Sex in the City? :lol:

Damn.....I gotta stop hangin' with the wife. :oops:
Victor Von Doom said:
I have a tatoo of Capt America's shield on my shoulder. But all that across the back???? Naw....too corny.

Am I the only one who thinks Bendis looks like Charlotte's husband from Sex in the City? :lol:

Damn.....I gotta stop hangin' with the wife. :oops:
Why doesnt Sex and the City have nudity?
Sarah Jessica Parker is one of the ugliest actresses in the history of ever.

He kind of looks like the husband, although I'm having a hard time picturing the guy without hair.
Baxter said:
Not enough to overcome Sarah Jessica Parkers man-chin.

....or the mole.....or that nose.... :?

E said:
Sarah Jessica Parker is one of the ugliest actresses in the history of ever.

He kind of looks like the husband, although I'm having a hard time picturing the guy without hair.

Fact. But to her credit...she does look better with age. If you see her now or in those GAP commercials she was in......she's a lot better looking than years ago when she was in "Honeymoon in Vegas".

Too bad that ain't saying much.
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Dr.Strangefate said:

I bet you that this guy buys a whole box of Ultimate Spider-Man comics a month.
He should've just got a big "L" tattooed on his forehead!
I mean, I love comics and I'm all for tattooing cool symbols (like Vic Von Doom's tattoo of Cap's shield) on myself, especially if they're from comics, but some people take it too far. Tattoos are supposed to look cool, not like you stuck a comic cover to your back!!
Personally, I want Thunderbird 1's logo (the big...uh...thunderbird) on my back, but I don't want a picture of John Proudstar on my back WITH the symbol, nor do I want to have my entire back sprayed blue to go with the symbol!
Hell, I'd settle for a t-shirt with the Thunderbird logo on it! :D

I saw another guy who had his body tattooed to look like The Thing. That's just stupid. I'll see if I can find the picture sometime.

And, for the record, Sarah Jessica Parker IS pretty ugly...but that other one on Sex & The City, the blonde...she wasn't so bad for her age. What was her name again?:wink:

Oh and, Bendis looks SO gay in that pic!
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Heh, it looks like one of those tattoos that peels off with a little warm water... :lol:

Nah, really, though, this guy's a moron. Look at his arm, too. He's got Spider-Man/comic stuff there, too. It's one thing to like comics, but to deface your body with them is another... I don't know if that guy realizes he'll have to live with that the rest of his life. o.0
Ice said:
Yeah...I think a guy at his age knows about that...

He might know it...but what Goody's saying is that he doesn't think he realizes it.
Goodwill said:
Heh, it looks like one of those tattoos that peels off with a little warm water... :lol:

Nah, really, though, this guy's a moron. Look at his arm, too. He's got Spider-Man/comic stuff there, too.

That looks like Dr. Strange to me, on his arm I mean.

It's one thing to like comics, but to deface your body with them is another... I don't know if that guy realizes he'll have to live with that the rest of his life. o.0

Quite true. I'm all for tattoos and all, but stuff like this just turns me off (along with Chinese symbols and "Tribal" tattoos...but for different reasons)
In my honest opinion, tattoos are like scars... Scars that we choose to have. Since they are scars, they should be significant or having something to them other than "Hey, I'm a comic fan, lemme get Spider-Man tatted on my back" or "Awesome, that looks totally rad... I want that around my arm!" Personally, if I were to get a tattoo, I'd get something having to do with the US or my religion or something.