I was all set to really dislike this issue, but I just couldn't quite manage it. Parts of it were painfully funny (in what UltimateE once called a "train-wreck factor" kind of way). I could sympathize with some of the desire these people had for wanting to be superheroes, although when Hank commented that in order to be considered a hero, "you probably need to do something heroic", I mentally added, "You also have to be at least marginally competent at what you do". Maxwell Smart has the right idea above — you want to be a hero, become a fireman or a paramedic, or a tutor, or something. You don't even need a costume for that, but you
do get some useful training in the process.
This issue certainly didn't have the emotional impact of #5. (Which is probably just as well—I'm still exhausted after the knock-down, drag-out fight....) We at least got to see little snippets of the big picture in the background around the Defenders storyline. Did anyone else notice "the glance" the two androids shared behind Pym when he was talking about "utterly expendable war machines"? I wonder just how sentient these things are at this point.
Maxwell Smart said:
As for the Defenders they turned out to be a bunch of loser as promised. They seemed to be there to accentuate what dire straits Hank Pym was in. I think if Valkyrie's outfit was any sluttier she would have had to be called Hooker Girl. I mean who goes into a fight wearing only a thong?
Well, she's also wearing something that passes for a bra, but I agree — someone seriously needs to explain to this girl the superior crime-fighting advantage of wearing a decently-fitting pair of pants. Hellcat's outfit wasn't much better, but it was at least a step up from the bikini-babe look Valkyrie was sporting. (Did anyone else notice the name "Patsy Walker" appearing for the third time in the Ultimate Universe? She was blond the last couple of times, so either this is a different woman, or she's dyed her hair, or something....)
That said I can't say I look down Hank for sleeping with her. I mean who says no to that, I don't think I could respect him if he hadn't.
Well, I for one would have had no trouble at all saying NO to that. (In fact, had it been me, that girl would have been hustled home and bundled into a decent outfit pronto....) I had exactly the opposite reaction to the fact that Hank was sleeping with her; any sympathy I had for him pretty much evaporated at this point. Barbara isn't quite young enough to be his daughter, and I realize that 18 is the age of consent in the United States, but the whole episode had a "college frat-boy" air to it that really bugged me.
(At times like this I have to step back and remind myself that I'm really not a member of the target group for this title. I think it's being pitched to a younger, hipper, and mostly male audience, and I'm none of the above. I also have some very old-fashioned attitudes about sexuality. I realize that many people don't share those attitudes. Such is life. Moving on....)
I'll be interested in seeing the backstory on what happened with the Ultimates in terms of "crippling a nation this morning". Where were they, and why were they there? While I can support Captain America's rescue of the aid workers held hostage (as much as I like Thor, I disagree with him on this one), but a pre-emptive strike is another story altogether. However, at this point I don't have enough information to make a decision, so I guess I'll have to wait until the next issue at least.
Oh, and just wanted to add that for me, one of the funniest parts of this issue wasn't the story, the art, or the characters, it was the Discovery Channel ad for their
Alien Planet special. The actual show aired a week and a half ago (and was quite good, by the way), and the ad just hit the stands yesterday. I hope they didn't pay for it in advance.... :wink: