Well, thank you, Captain. I have a tendency to wax philosphical on occassion, so be warned. :wink: This is the first time I've ever picked up a title as it was being published in single issues (I usually wait for the trades), and being able to discuss this along with the big guns on this site is a lot of fun. I think it's interesting how many of us still believe Thor's story of divinity, despite what looks like overwhelming, rational evidence to the contrary.
Just to add a comment to the technology angle -- how long would Norway have had a machine that can allow someone to teleport, before the machine became small enough to put in something the size of Mjolnir? Most of the time technology starts out large and becomes smaller as it's refined and better ways are found to do whatever job it's doing. And yet here we have a machine that can supposedly allow the bearer to teleport
and control the weather, and this thing is smaller than a breadbox? (Um, does anyone else out there know what a breadbox is? I suspect I'm dating myself again....)
Given the size of the machine needed to send an apple through the N-Zone in Ultimate Fantastic Four, this seems a little unlikely to me, unless the technology to do this has been around quite a while. (And yes, I know Reed Richards built a fairly small scale machine to transport stuff for his school science project, but he's Super Science Whiz Kid, right?)
I'm wondering if Nick Fury is buying this whole "yes, we invented the hammer that can do this" angle because he's not a science or tech wizard himself, and has no reason not to trust these people, whereas if the tech specialists at the Triskelion got their hands on this machine, they might be able to tell him otherwise.
Given that the Thor origin arc is apparently supposed to last only two issues, I wouldn't be surprised if Loki (assuming he does indeed exist here) actually weasels his way out of this and escapes, thereby being available as an ongoing villain in this title. (And Bass, before you start on me for being an "ungrateful cow", may I point out that I have to drop comments like that and like "fictional character" into my writing occasionally so that Loki doesn't realize that I and most of the rest of the people on this site are wise to him and his existance? I'm trying not to blow my cover, here.)
