The Ultimates 2 #12 Discussion (SPOILERS!)

Again, he saw himself as a liberator not a warlord, so he wouldn't call himself "The Warlord." That might be what the Ultimates end up calling him, but it's got to have an original meaning.

One thing that bugs me a little bit about Abdul is that he acts like he's above a codename, yet he's wearing a costume. I think it actually would have been pretty bad *** to have him just wear a modified army uniform and have a bad *** weapon that's more traditional, maybe an ethnic sword of somekind.
Don't know if it means anything but if you go back to Ultimates 2 #10 and check Abduls brain-pattern, or whatever it is, before he becomes the anti-cap it looks like a W.
Yeah I know. Pretty far fetched. :?
Don't know if it means anything but if you go back to Ultimates 2 #10 and check Abduls brain-pattern, or whatever it is, before he becomes the anti-cap it looks like a W.
Yeah I know. Pretty far fetched. :?

Maybe it stands for Warrior? Hmmm.....I can't find any synonyms of freedom, liberty, or liberate that begin with a W.
One thing that bugs me a little bit about Abdul is that he acts like he's above a codename, yet he's wearing a costume.

I thought the exact same thing. It's a little inconsistant.

Unless maybe in augments his abilities, but I didn't see anything that would indicate that.
I thought the exact same thing. It's a little inconsistant.

Unless maybe in augments his abilities, but I didn't see anything that would indicate that.

My impression was the Abdul does have a codename, he simply told Cap to call him by his real name because of his personal vendetta. A "Know the name of the man who killed you' kind of thing. Plus, he probably thought it made him sound more honourable than Cap.
Wow...Just, wow...

So, Good:

-Hawkeye...Ya gotta love him.
-Once again, Quicksilver proves to be a complete badass.
-WHAT A MIRACLE! WHAT AN UNBELIEVABLE EVENT! The Wasp does something useful! God, I hope this isn't the last time she does this. Janet's inability to do **** was really starting to annoy me.
-Iron-Man 06. I like it. Realistically, a giant, floating hover-craft thingy is way more effective than any suit. It's not that cool, but it sure as hell makes sense.
-Go Hulk! Punch through that idiot's head! Ah, it's like I'm reading the Authority again.
-Cap VS al Rahman. Better than Cap VS Herr Kleiser. Way better.
-Thor Mother****ers!!! I can't wait to see him smack Loki right upside his ****in' face.




...Ya know what? I can't think of a damn thing.


Best issue yet, without a doubt.
And another thing. In the splash page with all of the Ultimate Heroes fighting the Liberator soldiers, I noticed something. Between Spidey and Mr. Fantastic, we see, in the background, what appears to be Nighthawk getting owned. :lol: I wonder if Millar and Hitch actually considered him as a hero, or they put him in there soley for the purpose of at least ONE character getting the crap beat out of them?
Hahaha! I love the Defenders. I really want to see a Defenders mini.

And welcome Scarecrow. Hope your enjoying the site.
Oh And now I understood when Abdul said Captain would execute him, and Cap said that's not the way they do it, and then three pages later he stabs a man that don't have any hands.
Yeah, I thought that was a little ... strange.
I want to see the reasoning why SHIELD and The Ultimates split... The only thing I can think of is that there's an international law stating no country is to possess or employ superhumans under the jurisdiction because it's like holding WMD.

I know a lot of people think there's gonna be some major riff between them but really what do The Ultimates have to be pissed at Nick Fury about?
Because there's a clear theme driving the Ultimates and I have a feeling the team is about to realize what it is.

When someone invades and nearly takes over your contry, you're going to want to know why. I think the Liberators are going to force the Ultimates to consider whether they want to keep doing what the government tells them, or if they want to do things their own way.
It's not Ultimates 3 yet.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
You sure that happened? I think I would of remembered that
Hey, I didn't notice that Fury lost his arm untill someone pointed it out to me.
Think that time when we were doing those drugs we don't remember doing and then putting urine in Moony's Coke Zero.

*kicks* :cry:

Who put Coke Zero in my urine!
Wait.....there is still one question that was not answered. What the heck does the W on Abdul's chest mean?
I thought it was the shape of a bird. I could've sworn that the middle peak had a little beak shape at the top in one of the past issues...
No its definitely a W. Go read 12 over again and you can see it quite clearly.
Eh. I guess I misread the art.

And for the record, I'd like to say that I think the "W" stands for "Worcestershire Sauce".
I heard this and I realized this would have been awesome. When Jan grows to Giant Man size, she should have used her Wasp sting to take out one of those waking tanks or something. How awesome would that have been?
I know! I know what the W stands for! Wonder man. He is Ultimate Wonder man!, wait. He doesn't count. Oh, well I guess I have to go with my second choice then: Wannabe :p
I know! I know what the W stands for! Wonder man. He is Ultimate Wonder man!, wait. He doesn't count. Oh, well I guess I have to go with my second choice then: Wannabe :p

Haha, I actually thought that also because of that stupid thing how he doesn't count. Great minds think alike.
I know! I know what the W stands for! Wonder man. He is Ultimate Wonder man!, wait. He doesn't count. Oh, well I guess I have to go with my second choice then: Wannabe :p
1,000 points for an excellent use of the reference.

Haha, I actually thought that also because of that stupid thing how he doesn't count. Great minds think alike.
And the reference is wasted.....
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So I was reading Ultimates 2 #10 and there is a scene when Pym asks to Colonel why didn't he tell Pym that they were doing something that big. Maybe Pym was really infiltrating the Liberators to try and help the Ultimates.
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