The Ultimate End..... for real?

Can some one explain to me what a "reboot" exactly is and what will happen with in the event of a "reboot"?
Can some one explain to me what a "reboot" exactly is and what will happen with in the event of a "reboot"?


a) Starting a series off the start e.g Ultimate spider-man is a reboot of 616 in away.

b) A 3d cartoon that kicked ***


b) A 3d cartoon that kicked ***

Yesssssss!!!!! I loved that Show!!!!

If they were to cancel UFF per say... i would imagine them putting the UFF with the Ultimates and kind of combine them together. Or in a worst case scenario turn them into side characters that make frequent appearances in all the other books. Hopefully none of that will happen.
They really should pull the plug on the UU. Its quality is nosediving drastically, and I don't think there's a solution in sight.

Put it out of its Loeb-fuelled misery.
They really should pull the plug on the UU. Its quality is nosediving drastically, and I don't think there's a solution in sight.

Put it out of its Loeb-fuelled misery.

Ultimate Spider-man is great though
They really should pull the plug on the UU. Its quality is nosediving drastically, and I don't think there's a solution in sight.

Put it out of its Loeb-fuelled misery.
The problem with that is you want it gone done on taste. Yeah, there are others who agree there's a 'decline', but the books are selling either way. And no company is going to put a hault on their work if they're selling. Let alone on people's tastes.
Just rename it Amazing Spiderman and forget all this One More Day stuff.

No , because if you make it Amazing you make it 616 and then all the cool parts of Ultimate would be replaced by the now almost unreadable 616 spider-man
The problem with that is you want it gone done on taste. Yeah, there are others who agree there's a 'decline', but the books are selling either way. And no company is going to put a halt on their work if they're selling. Let alone on people's tastes.

Well, of course, but a man can dream right?
Bring it on. It's time for an end. Ultimates just produced the worst issue of any Ultimate comic to date and its "new direction" is terrible. Ultimate Fantastic Four hasn't been worthwhile since Ellis left. Ultimate X-Men has completely lost it's original direction and unlike most of you I hate the new one. Ultimate Spider-Man should have been taken out of Bendis' hands so long ago that I can only mark it up as a lost cause.

Shut it down.
Close up shop.
Put it out of my misery.

Sure I used to love it, but things change. I take no joy in this. It's like the end of Old Yeller. It's sad, but it has to be done.
You know, I kind of want them to end it with a booming, woman's voice saying "What're you doing, Franklin?", cut to Franklin Richards of 616 snuffing out the Ultimate Universe and saying "Nothing, mother." That's how dissatisfied I am with the UU right now.
I'm with McCheese on all points except Ultimate Spider Man, and I would probably have agreed there too had I not just picked up death of a goblin part one and actually enjoyed it (yeah, I'm a sucker for "all the bad guys escape again!" I know.). At first, I thought Ultimates 3 just wasn't too my taste, and I even said in this forum that the artist and writer should be given license (and encouraged) to take a book in a different direction, even if it wasn't one I cared to purchase or read. After thinking about it, though, I've decided that Ultimates 3 no. 1 pisses all over everything Ultimates 1 and 2 aspired to, and it and the universe it exists in should be savagely expunged. If I wanted 616-y costumes, in-fight-wisecracks, "thee-and-thou" Thor and "wow, look, it's venom!" I'd be reading a different book. Sure it stinks that Loeb is taking a big, steaming dump on the whole universe AND its flagship book before he blows it up, but at least I can dream that the end is actually coming some not-so-distant day. (Forgive my scatalogical references, but they're the best way to evoke the sense of defilement I'm trying to communicate.)
I came across this, found it interesting,

he figures out roughly that the UU is moving roughly 4 times faster than the MU, and in 5 years it will be caughten up with the MU, and in effect become completley redundant

5 years and counting (even though I'd say that it'll be alot sooner)
Well, if this guy's right it could mean several things. The Ultimate Universe could be considered redundant and be done away with post haste.... But I like to think that once it catches the Marvel universe it can tell much more original stories using the more unique aspects of it's continuity. Wolverine can be depowered.... forever. Doom has goat legs, the FF can use realistic science (maybe). Spider-man seems to slowly be diverging from source material, even as his mainstream part goes back to it's roots. And the Ultimates... Well, they're probably screwed either way.
This guy makes a good point but I don't think he factored in the popularity of the characters or the orginal characters in the UU. I think it would be better to put off a study of this until at least 2010 because it'll be the ten year anniversary. Millar's run on the Ultimates was from 2002 to 2007, he only got two main arcs out of it and their are a wide variety of stories to be told. Ultimates 3 isn't that great but still original.
I came across this, found it interesting,

he figures out roughly that the UU is moving roughly 4 times faster than the MU, and in 5 years it will be caughten up with the MU, and in effect become completley redundant

5 years and counting (even though I'd say that it'll be alot sooner)

That's absolutely awesome.

And it's such an obvious problem that requires the Ultimate universe to do something so inherent to it's existence that it's shocking it isn't - invent new things. The Ultiverse just strip mined the Marvel universe and when that resource runs out... what happens? Magneto shows up again and again. It becomes redundant as the man says.

Just like the Batman cartoon gave the comics Harley, this should've given some terrific things by creating them.

There are, in Ultimate Spidey, two new things: Kong, and Geldoff. Kong is good, but that's it. We need more new stuff, not Bendis looking for more and more obscure villains from Spidey's past to 'ultimize'. Same goes for the other titles.

Damn shame.

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