I prefer it to what little of the UK version I've seen, and I respond to the livelier style of the US version more.
That was one of the many problems with the US version it's too lively. I mean the UK one was gritty and looked for the most part like a read documentry which was what the office was supposed to be
it was a Mockumentary (if that is the correct term) , I watch the US one and it is just like a normal US sitcom only with out a laugh track , The uk one was so like a documentry that some people were reported as believing it was real.
When it is like a sitcom like us one you except the comedy , When it is like a documentry which is the heart of the show you don't always see the comedy coming which means when it does it's so much funnier for it.
As well as that Steve Carell plays the boss like a typical sitcom boss , Ricky Gervais plays the boss in a way that is like that boss we have all had at least once , you know the type he just wants to be friend but he's a dork yet you laugh at his bad jokes because he's your boss , only turned up a notch.
The Uk one is more sophisticated in the way it is done and the comedy is not always obvious , Most of the best comedy in the uk one comes from the moments that make you stop and think then when you have it's unbelievably funny.
In essence it's like the US version took the UK version stripped everything that made it what it was and everything that made it unique and then put it out there
Imagine how you would feel if some realsed a film say Superman but superman didn't fly , wasn't from space , had no powers , never stopped crime or evil and yet they still called it Superman and claimed it was based on the comics