Nexus of the World

He really, really isn't.
Rogue Smurf said:From out of nowhere, I have returned to add a few more bits of evidence to my theory that Nick Fury is the traitor.
The first is the interview with Jeph Loeb from the latest issue of Wizard. There is a sidebar in which Loeb gives his takes on the Ultimates and how he is going to approach them. It includes pretty much everyone except for Hawkeye, the twins, and Fury. Hawkeye and the twins have already been ruled out, so why isn't Fury given a little blurb? He's argueably one of the most important characters in the series, you would think that Loeb would have an opinion on him. But Fury is absent.
Secondly, to add to my original explanation that the traitor has to be able to make sense working with Pym, the traitor also has to respect Pym enough to even bother with him. Pym has become a nobody, worthless and forgotten by everyone except for Jan and the traitor. So who out of the various possibilities we have would respect Pym's work and intelligence enough to bother recruiting him? Cap obviously doesn't, Iron Man doesn't need him, only Fury has shown any interest or contact with Pym since he's been kicked off the team. Only Fury would know just how smart and useful Pym could be.
So that's just a few more bits of evidence for my theory. Thank you.
I've always felt that was the direction they were going in since the start of volume 2 anyway.Hawkeye101 said:Here's something to speculate: Loki specifically says that the traitor is working for a few friends of his. AND Millar did say that Red Skull would show up. Anyone else considering 'these few friends of his' are yet again the Ultimate Masters of Evil? Just a thought.
ourchair said:I've always felt that was the direction they were going in since the start of volume 2 anyway.
Spade said:i think cap is "working for" them or as i like to call it being under the influence or hypnotized by ultron or someone and then it will be broken in the end and that is y cap will hate red skull so much for making him betray the country he loves.
DIrishB said:*shakes head in amazement, then begins weeping*
Rogue Smurf said:I think the joke he made in the interview was that he's not going to bring back Hawkeye, like all of the Bendis hype about how he brought back Hawkeye in House of M.