oh, did he write that? yeah, that was miserably bad.
That was him with Mackie, yeah.
This was on Wikipedia. I didn't realize the chain of events with the planning of the Clone Saga and his firing as EIC:
Ex-editor-in-chief Tom DeFalco said that under him, the Clone Saga would have been resolved in a different way: "Our plan was to structure the clone saga like a three-act play. Act One would climax at or around Amazing #400 - when we revealed that Pete was the clone and Ben was the real guy. Act Two would last around three months and follow Ben's adventures. In Act Three, Peter would triumphantly return as the one, true Spider-Man. Mark and I was hoping the Spider-crew could make Ben a viable character during his turn in the spotlight, and we planned to star Ben in his own monthly title after Peter returned. It was kind of like what I had already done with Thor and Thunderstrike—two very different titles based on a single concept. Of course, our plan went into the trash the day I got fired."
DeFalco also had a run on Fantastic Four which included Reed "dying", Sue changing her costume, and a bunch of other garbage. I think he also brought back the New Fantastic Four for one completely forgettable story. I was a die-hard FF fan back then, and I think the crapiness of hist stories played a major part in my becoming disillusioned with comics and walking away from them when I did.