The Legend of Korra (Spoilers)

Re: The Legend of Korra

It's all over the place though, but it really didn't show much. It was almost the same opening as the original show, showing the four different benders, but was narrated by Aang's son this time around.
Re: The Legend of Korra

I just watched the first episode and it was great. Korra is wonderful. And the rest of it is Avatar-y goodness, though perhaps a little too much name dropping. The animation of the "I'm watching you" between Korra and Lin was excellent. The best thing is when animated characters act without talking.
Re: The Legend of Korra

I am very sorry for being so late with this, but the creators legally released the first two episodes online as a reward to the fanbase for winning a Facebook challenge. They can be viewed here:

The show premieres on TV April 14th.
Re: The Legend of Korra

I think this is already better than Aang's story. I bloody love it.
Re: The Legend of Korra

Aang's grandchildren are adorable.
Just saw episode 4. I think this is great. I wonder if Amon and Tarrlock are the same person. Their voices are very similar.

Also, loving Mako and the Satos. And Bo Lin and everything. Also; loving how the backstory involving Aang and Toph is somehow relevant to what's going on and they can easily use the ancestral memories of the Avatar to have Aang show up, as well as flashbacks involving Sokka, Kitara, Zuko, and Toph when they want. And judging from the show, I doubt they'll overuse that device.
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Bass said:
Just saw episode 4. I think this is great. I wonder if Amon and Tarrlock are the same person. Their voices are very similar.

Also, loving Mako and the Satos. And Bo Lin and everything. Also; loving how the backstory involving Aang and Toph is somehow relevant to what's going on and they can easily use the ancestral memories of the Avatar to have Aang show up, as well as flashbacks involving Sokka, Kitara, Zuko, and Toph when they want. And judging from the show, I doubt they'll overuse that device.

Doubt it.

Amon is a Non-Bender and wants to stop Bender's oppression of non-Bender's
Venom Melendez said:
Doubt it.

Amon is a Non-Bender and wants to stop Bender's oppression of non-Bender's

He could be lying. He's clearly spirit-bending. And if he is, it makes some sense for why Tarrlock was so desperate to get Korra in the task force as both he & Amon have far-reaching plans.
Bass said:
He could be lying. He's clearly spirit-bending. And if he is, it makes some sense for why Tarrlock was so desperate to get Korra in the task force as both he & Amon have far-reaching plans.

Exactly. What better way to keep track of your enemy, right!
really liking this show more then I should. and the animation people did/do a really great job with the whole sports bending thing.
Well, as we know, I was right about Tarrlock being Amon.

*cough cough*

I think Amon will turn out to be one of those 'special people' like Yukone and his blood-bending, and he may not be anyone in particular, but we'll see.

I can't believe there's one (double-length) episode left; this is so fantastic. I wonder if Amon will continue into season 2. It really seems like the show isn't about what we think it's about. The whole series has been small, localised in one city, so far, so it's going to spread, and I think it's likely that Amon is indeed Tenzin's non-bending brother. I can see Amon taking away Korra's bending and she has to recreate the Avatar legend from scratch (perhaps Tenzin's new baby will be relevant); which would make sense in some fashion — see, I don't think book 2 will be one of the four elements. In THE LAST AIRBENDER, each season was about Aang learning an element; Water, Earth, then Fire. But Korra already knows all but Air. The first season is her learning Air... then what? I think Book 2 will be "Spirit" because that's what she doesn't know. She'll need to learn that. And what does Amon do? Spirit-bend. But then, what would Book 3 be?

This is my new most favouritest show everz.
Just finished watching yesterday's episode.

General Iro (not sure on the spelling)! Same voice actor as for Zukko. I bet that he's Zukko's son! Also, I'm hoping/guessing that when Amon has Korra and is about to take her bending away that she'll go into and use the Avatar state! It always come in under the worst pressure moments and that would be one.

I've also guessed that Book 2 will be called Spirit. We'll see. Book 2 is scheduled (at the moment) to air later this year. And also there is no book 3. At least right now anyways. The show is set up to as a 26 episode series; book 2 will have 14 episodes.
General Iroh is definitely the son of Zuko and Mai.

I think the finale will conclude with Amon's true identity being revealed.