The Legend of Korra (Spoilers)

Re: The Legend of Korra

I want a polar bear dog.
Re: The Legend of Korra

Poster revealing some characters and whatnot.

So Korra is teaming up with time-traveling Zuko and Stout Earthbending Lad to defeat Doctor Doom and his army of Kung-Fu Heartless. Wonderful!

There's going to be some other stuff later tonight.

Korra's looking to rape someone. I'm hoping a cute Fire Kingdom girl, but I'm not picky.
Re: The Legend of Korra

Comic-Con trailer:

Good god, that animation is gorgeous. I am geeking the **** out right now, guys.

Also, various details revealed at the panel.

  • Korra's Polar Bear Dog is named Naga and is a girl.

  • The Firebending and Earthbending Guys from the poster are Mako and Bolin respectively, and are brothers. Bolin has a pet fire ferret named Paboo, who is the new Momo.

  • The City is named United Republic, founded by Aang and Zuko during their rebuilding after the war.

  • Aang and Katara had three kids, with Tenzin the only Airbender. Tenzin himself has three children, all Airbenders. The sky bison and flying lemurs are also being repopulated.

  • United Republic has a 'swat team' of Metalbending cops, trained by Toph and use Spidey-esque grappling cables to get around the city. Toph's daughter is the Chief of Police.

  • The antibending faction are called Equalists, all wear masks, and use Ty Lee's techniques to fight and disable bending. Their leader is Oman, the Dr. Doom guy from the poster and in the trailer.
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Re: The Legend of Korra

The trailer isn't available in my region. :(
Re: The Legend of Korra

Thanks. It looks awesome.

Now I want to watch the original series again... again.
Re: The Legend of Korra

I love that Toph's daughter is the Chief of Police. That's just awesome.