The Immortal Iron Fist #1-16 discussion [Fraction/Brubaker/Aja] [spoilers]

Re: The Immortal Iron Fist series discussion (Spoilers!)


Marvel's Immortal Iron Fist gets a change this summer as Duane Swierczynski and Travel Foreman take over as the creative team...

As far as art goes.....**** YEAH!

I've loved Foreman's art on Ares and I've been dying for him to get on a monthly. His covers for Iron Fist have been great an I'm glad we're now gonna see more of his work.

For those who doubt the awesomeness of this news in wake of Aja's department, go look at Ares (covers and interior art) and tell me that doesn't look great?

As far as the writing goes....I don't know. I never read Cable so I can't call it.
Re: The Immortal Iron Fist series discussion (Spoilers!)

The art looks pretty good. Too bad about Brubaker/Fraction moving on though. I thought they were going to be writing this for a long time.
Re: The Immortal Iron Fist series discussion (Spoilers!)


Marvel's Immortal Iron Fist gets a change this summer as Duane Swierczynski and Travel Foreman take over as the creative team...
Dropped after 16.

Swierzwhatever's Cable sucks. I don't even want to see what he'll do with Danny and his awesome supporting cast. Bad move Marvel.
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Re: The Immortal Iron Fist series discussion (Spoilers!)

As far as the writing goes....I don't know. I never read Cable so I can't call it.

Swierzwhatever's Cable sucks. I don't even want to see what he'll do with Danny and his awesome supporting cast. Bad move Marvel.

I haven't read Cable but I remain optimistic. I've got Swierczynski's first novel and it was quite good, and his second coming to me in the mail. Actually, it might be in the box right now. I should check.

Still, he might pull a Charlie Huston and do just fine without pictures and suck on toast with them.
Re: The Immortal Iron Fist series discussion (Spoilers!)


dissapointing news to say the least, the new team sounds good though. sweirzcynski's moon knight and punisher one-shots were good, cable is okay. foreman will be great but he's no David Aja.

Re: The Immortal Iron Fist series discussion (Spoilers!)

Nooo! Well the art will still be good, but I'm gonna miss the writing team.
Re: The Immortal Iron Fist series discussion (Spoilers!)

The Internet Jesus speaks:

Warren Ellis said:
Greatly amused at the Newsarama thread wherein Ed and Matt are Killing Comics and Breaking Hearts this week by leaving the Marvel comic IMMORTAL IRON FIST. Guess what, folks? No-one's going to marry a company-owned book. This shouldn't be news. It wasn't news when I said it ten years ago. But I guess some people just weren't listening.
Re: The Immortal Iron Fist series discussion (Spoilers!)

I think the industry should just accept that some people are fans of the writer/artists and not necessarily fans of the property.

And to that extent, fans should also make an effort to stick with a property when writer/artists change out. Just because someone isn't writing a book anymore means it'll suck.

*cue Loeb/Ultimates3 jokes*

To be honest, I'll miss the familiarity I've gotten with Bru/Fraction/Aja......but I'm still looking forward to the next creators' run because Marvel has made the character relevant again.
Re: The Immortal Iron Fist series discussion (Spoilers!)

Warren Ellis said:
Greatly amused at the Newsarama thread wherein Ed and Matt are Killing Comics and Breaking Hearts this week by leaving the Marvel comic IMMORTAL IRON FIST. Guess what, folks? No-one's going to marry a company-owned book. This shouldn't be news. It wasn't news when I said it ten years ago. But I guess some people just weren't listening."

What about Brubaker's own Captain America series? almost 40 issues now and still going? what about JMS on ASM for years and years?
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Re: The Immortal Iron Fist series discussion (Spoilers!)

To be honest, I'll miss the familiarity I've gotten with Bru/Fraction/Aja......but I'm still looking forward to the next creators' run because Marvel has made the character relevant again.

Yep. I won't be jumping ship when they leave, although it does suck. I will at the very least check out the new team's first issue. And for that exact reason - because they've managed to turn Iron Fist into a cool character that interests me.
Re: The Immortal Iron Fist series discussion (Spoilers!)

Yep. I won't be jumping ship when they leave, although it does suck. I will at the very least check out the new team's first issue. And for that exact reason - because they've managed to turn Iron Fist into a cool character that interests me.

I always like to give new teams at least half way thru their first arc before I try to make a decision on whether to drop it.

If anything, I'll stop buyng the book if it's iffy and I'll just read the last couple of issues to the arc and make my final decision.
Re: The Immortal Iron Fist series discussion (Spoilers!)

I don't read the monthlies but I am getting this in trade, and I just finished vol. 2. And it is so brilliant - it's right up there with Captain America. Not only is it just quality writing (and art!) but they've done an incredible job of adding to the Iron Fist history and characters.

I am so going to miss Bru and Aja on this.
Re: The Immortal Iron Fist series discussion (Spoilers!)

I don't read the monthlies but I am getting this in trade, and I just finished vol. 2. And it is so brilliant - it's right up there with Captain America. Not only is it just quality writing (and art!) but they've done an incredible job of adding to the Iron Fist history and characters.

I am so going to miss Bru and Aja on this.

Holy ****! Vol 2 is out!? I know what I'm doing next week when I get some monies.
Re: The Immortal Iron Fist series discussion (Spoilers!)

Right now Matt Fraction is crying because of you.

yeah, seriously Brubaker even admitted that he hadn't done any major writing on the series since issue #9, it's more or less all Fraction....and Aja....well when Aja actually draws
Re: The Immortal Iron Fist series discussion (Spoilers!)

Right now Matt Fraction is crying because of you.

*pets Matt Fraction*

There, there.
Re: The Immortal Iron Fist series discussion (Spoilers!)

Yep. I won't be jumping ship when they leave, although it does suck. I will at the very least check out the new team's first issue. And for that exact reason - because they've managed to turn Iron Fist into a cool character that interests me.

I own Ultimates 3 #1,2 and 3..... I will DEFINITELY/OBVIOUSLY give the new team a try!
Re: The Immortal Iron Fist series discussion (Spoilers!)

It is because of Fraction and Brubaker's collabo that I just may check out Uncanny X-Men.

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