thee great one
Master of TOG-fu.
Re: The Immortal Iron Fist series discussion (Spoilers!)
Oh HELL YES! I hope we get to see more of his WWI escapades.
you read the Annual yes?
so how awesome was #12?
i mean aside from the terrible fill-in artist who did half the non-flashback pages, it was awesome
I mean Bringing in John Aman (A.K.A. Amazing Man, A.K.A. The Green Mist)? wow that's a really old school character to be bringing up ( Link ) I mean he's literally like the third super-hero
just wow
Further Aman notes:
cover to IIF #16
Btw, What city of heaven does John Aman belong too? He doesn't seem to be representing anyone in the tournament and he's by himself.
they don`t say
beside Kun Zi we don`t know any of the other cities names, and beside Tiger`s Beautiful Daughter, Danny, and Davos they all appear to have come alone or something