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He isn't that old?!? :sure:
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He isn't that old?!? :sure:
Ian Holm isn't that old. Plus they could always X3 him if they really had to.
You know Bilbo was 50 in the Hobbit, right?
Anyways, so long as Sir Ian is Gandalf, I'm fine with whoever else they cast. I have a lot of faith in del Torro.
Yeah, but don't Hobbits live longer than humans? If so, a 50 year old Hobbit would probably resemble a 30 something human, I'd imagine. I know Bilbo was celebrating his 111th birthday in The Fellowship of the Ring, but I can't remember if that was normal or if the ring kept him from dying/aging.
Yeah, but don't Hobbits live longer than humans? If so, a 50 year old Hobbit would probably resemble a 30 something human, I'd imagine. I know Bilbo was celebrating his 111th birthday in The Fellowship of the Ring, but I can't remember if that was normal or if the ring kept him from dying/aging.
Exactly. I have always been under the impression that Bilbo and Frodo were of similar ages when they went on their respective adventures.
I would still be able to accept Ian Holm as Bilbo, like in the flashback at the beginning of LOTR(which I hope they never ReLucas). Bilbo has to have a certain crotchetiness to him, anyway.
However..... Martin Freeman would actually be a pretty awesome choice for Bilbo, with the only problem being that he doesn't really look like Holm.
Plus Holm already played Bilbo in the Hobbit flashback in Fellowship and that would only be about ten years (real time) between filming the two projects.
Robert Deniro doesn't look like Marlon Brando either.