Why is he unconscious?? Was the force of the batpod sliding really that extreme?
He's batman. He's so awesome he can be rendered unconscious by his own awesomeness.
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Why is he unconscious?? Was the force of the batpod sliding really that extreme?
I'm willing to bet that was just a production slip up, though didn't he hit the truck?
HoudeFact #45: Houde has not seen a movie all the way thru since 1999. It's all been bits and pieces that he's added together. Some scenes tend to get a little mashed together.
Christian Bale is Batman...who performs magic tricks with his twin brother....while keeping the crops safe from dragons....in the future where he fights robots.
Good movie.
That's another problem I have with that scene. They easily could have driven on the other side of the road, which is pretty obvious while watching the movie. And the Gotham police had at least one helicopter monitoring the route they were going...if they didn't notice a flaming fire truck before hand then they are the worst police department in the world...
I remembered another thing. The stand off between the Joker and Batman. Batman rides the batpod straight at the Joker and at the last second swerves to miss him. Then, when the batpod comes to a stop he just falls off...seemingly unconscious. Why is he unconscious?? Was the force of the batpod sliding really that extreme?
He's batman. He's so awesome he can be rendered unconscious by his own awesomeness.
That might be it. If he did hit it I don't remember him going very fast though.
You see what happens when you insult THE DARK KNIGHT? The board crashes and has to completely change itself in order to cope.
You see what happens when you insult THE DARK KNIGHT? The board crashes and has to completely change itself in order to cope.
I guess you could say It's become the board the internet needs!