The Big Bang Theory (CBS) (Discussion/Spoilers).

Nope, he got divorced for the second time (this one took most his stuff and gave away his dog)
I knew that part. I didn't know he had become a super soldier. Cool.

I don't find the show particularly funny, or even really relatable. Maybe it's the sheer saturation of it into everywhere I go that's supposed to be nerdy - the show is fine, I guess (it's great airplane watching), and its cast has good chemistry, but it's not a show for geeks at all. It's a show ABOUT geeks, by and for the general non-geeky public. You want a truly geeky show? Something that actually references (rather than insincerely parrots) geek culture and feels more like a celebration of it as a result? Watch Community.

I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing - every show has its audience - but it's seen as this great example of nerd culture when it actually really isn't. And it's everywhere as a result. I find it obnoxious.

Also, somebody explain Bazinga to me. I don't get it. Where's the joke there? Why is it funny?

Community occasionally references geek culture (often through Abed) but it's not a show about geeks.

And yes, Big Bang Theory isn't a true portrayal of geek culture, it exaggerates it to the point of ridiculous, but the stuff it exaggerates has a grain of truth in it. For instance, my local comic book store has a "captain sweatpants." I've been made fun of by my friends trying to explain nerdy games (like Magic the Gathering). I can even relate to Sheldon in that I sometimes tweak my behaviour to fit in to the "social protocols" even though it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me to do it.

I'll admit that the show is a bit of a "straw-man" in that it exaggerates what nerds are like and then makes fun of that, but I don't find it offensive, and I don't think its intended to be.

But then again, I enjoy laughing at myself, so there's that.

EDIT: oh, and "Bazinga" is just Sheldon's way of saying "gotcha." He started trying to use humour in the second season, but not doing it very well. He'll say something he's not serious about and then when they believe that he means it, he'll say something along the lines of, "Once again, you've fallen for one of my classic pranks. Bazinga!" The reason it's funny is because Sheldon is trying to be funny, but he doesn't understand humour well enough to pull it off, so it's not funny. Which makes it funny. Similarly, sometimes he or someone else will make a pun and then he explains why it's funny and then does that weird laugh. He's trying to be funny, but failing. Which is funny.
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No, but, see, that's the thing: Community's references are a world apart from BBT. They're incorporated into the episodes in such a way that they can fly completely under the radar, because unless you actually get the reference, you don't know that it is one. Abed will occasionally overtly reference geek culture, but usually, references are incorporated either into episode concepts, or things going on the background, or what have you. Not only do I prefer this kind of humour to BBT's "LOOK WE'RE MAKING A JOKE ABOUT GEEKS NOW AREN'T WE HILARIOUS" approach, but I think it comes off as a lot more sincere. You have to actually understand and know about what you're referencing to pull off Community's style of geeky humour; you can't have just read a Wikipedia summary on comic books or science theories. There have been times in BBT - even during the times when I really enjoyed the show, during seasons 1 and 2 - where the "joke" will literally be Sheldon listing things off that are geeky. That's not a joke. What's the humour supposed to be? That he knows a lot of subsets of geek culture? That's only funny if the audience themselves don't, which leads me to the longer point of this paragraph: Community is a show that isn't necessarily about geeks, but it definitely is FOR geeks, while BBT is the opposite.

Sheldon's nonsense used to really amuse me, but he's such a vehicle for social awkwardness that the writers seem to have abandoned any other sort of consistent characterization at all. In one episode, he has no idea what sarcasm is; in another, he'll use it multiple times to its intended effect. That's not to say I hate the show, really; like I said, I think the cast has great chemistry, the actors do good things with what they're given, and I even do genuinely like the odd character. I've always really liked Howard, for example, and used to be a big fan of Sheldon's mom (before they Flanderized her into being religiously ignorant to the point of stupidity).
This show is just intended to be purposely ridiculous about geeks and nerds. It's not meant not be offensive, but people find it that way because they don't like how it's handled here. And that's fine, not everyone is going to like it. But the show in no way is saying "screw nerds, this is how dumb they are" or whatever in any shape or form maliciously.
I don't find the show particularly funny, or even really relatable.

I always found this show offensive.

I don't get the show either. The comedy is not as smart as you'd expect a show with this subject matter to be. Two And A Half Men and How I Met Your Mother are the same - not that I expect anything more out of those shows, but the idea is the same...the humor is just too easy.

But in the 4 or 5 episodes I've seen I've never been offended by it...that's going a little too far.

It amazes me that a show like this, which I don't find funny really at all, pulls huge numbers but a much more intelligent show like Arrested Development or Community struggle so hard for viewers. There is no justice in this world.
E said:
I don't get the show either. The comedy is not as smart as you'd expect a show with this subject matter to be. Two And A Half Men and How I Met Your Mother are the same - not that I expect anything more out of those shows, but the idea is the same...the humor is just too easy.

But in the 4 or 5 episodes I've seen I've never been offended by it...that's going a little too far.

It amazes me that a show like this, which I don't find funny really at all, pulls huge numbers but a much more intelligent show like Arrested Development or Community struggle so hard for viewers. There is no justice in this world.

Are you surprised that the general population enjoys easy humour over intelligent humour?
Are you surprised that the general population enjoys easy humour over intelligent humour?

On one hand, no.

On the other hand, I would think the average person would prefer something that is very funny over something that wasn't. It's not like it takes extra time or effort to enjoy better quality humor.
On one hand, no.

On the other hand, I would think the average person would prefer something that is very funny over something that wasn't. It's not like it takes extra time or effort to enjoy better quality humor.
But what one person may think is funny/not funny doesn't mean everyone else does, too. It's all relative.
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But what one person may think is funny/not funny doesn't mean everyone else does, too. It's all relative.

True, but I think it's pretty widely accepted that the quality of writing between these shows is different, and that Arrested Development's is better or higher. It doesn't have to mean you don't like BBT
I don't know. I enjoy Arrested Development, but I've never really been able to get into it. I think I find some of the characters painful to watch. I feel the same way about Seinfeld b/c of George.

I do love community though.
Hell had to open up a new circle so this show and Two and a Half Men have somewhere to go when they die.
I agree about Two and a Half Men. I cant figure out how that show has survived this long, let alone been one of the most successful sitcoms on tv. It's not funny. At all.
I've posted this before but I'll post it again:

Two and a Half Men = sex jokes
The Big Bang Theory = nerd jokes
Mike and Molly = fat jokes

Chuck Lorre sucks.
I had no idea that the one guy from BBT is David from Roseanne. I hated that guy.
I had no idea that the one guy from BBT is David from Roseanne. I hated that guy.

Johnny Galecki. I feel like he does a really good job of acting his part. The whole way he carries himself is different when he's playing Leonard. The way he tilts his head back and squints with his mouth open. He really gets into character well.