The Big Bang Theory (CBS) (Discussion/Spoilers).

So since my job out here has turned to more office/mission planning rather than doing....I've got a lot more time on my hands during my 12-hour shifts.

So I've been watching TV shows they have on a media server. I'm watching Big Bang Theory. And I still hate it. Everyone else here is watching it and laughing their ass off. I tried to watch it again to see if there was something I'm missing.

There isn't.

It's funny enough to play as background noise...but not enough to warrant me actually watching. It's still so...........stereotypical.

If I do look at the monitor to watch it, I spend my time searching for geeky/sci-fi Easter Eggs. The best one so far? A baseball cap worn with "42" written on the front.

I'm actually getting mad while watching it. It's insulting.

Doom sides with me on another TV issue!
Doom sides with me on another TV issue!

Of course.

Except I still hate Lost more than Houde hates Star Wars.

Not to say that people who watch it are wrong. Individual tastes are individual tastes. But I think what irks me most is that TV shows like this and Two and A Half Men still get high rating and renewed season after season......and good shows like Reaper, Kings, SouthLAnd, The Unit....and probably Joel McHale's hilarious Community get cancelled-----and my beloved Friday Night Lights is getting pushed to Direct TV.

Good TV is out there. Just nobody's watching. I can only deduce that people are just starved for sitcoms.
Not to say that people who watch it are wrong. Individual tastes are individual tastes. But I think what irks me most is that TV shows like this and Two and A Half Men still get high rating and renewed season after season......and good shows like Reaper, Kings, SouthLAnd, The Unit....and probably Joel McHale's hilarious Community get cancelled-----and my beloved Friday Night Lights is getting pushed to Direct TV.

Good TV is out there. Just nobody's watching. I can only deduce that people are just starved for sitcoms.
For me personally I don't follow that many new shows. I more or less just watch a few channels of whatever is on when I'm bored. The only shows I really follow and anticipate the next episode are Lost and South Park. And I didn't even start watching until the third season. But the concept did get me interested. Of all the shows you mention none of their concepts were able to peak my interest to actually plan to follow them. As you said individual tastes are individual tastes. I saw a few clips of Community and I didn't really like it, though recently I saw the "somewhere out there" parody and loved it.

But I recognized that all those shows are most likely brilliant tv that should not be canceled. And I don't mind a good show being canceled but not when crap like 2 1/2 men and big bang are still on. That hurts my head.
Good TV is out there. Just nobody's watching. I can only deduce that people are just starved for sitcoms.
"Good TV" is whatever people decide for themselves. This to me is good TV. I know all about the stereotypical blah blah blah. It's part of the show. Not everyone's going to find it funny. Not everyone finds everything funny. As much as we like HIMYM or Psych, there are people who don't like it. To them that's not good TV.

IMO, it's a shame there aren't more people who enjoy this show on here. Seems the only others are Mole and HBM, who barely even post anymore.
There's a thread on this show? Awesome. While my wife was on bed-rest during her pregnancy, we Netflixed all of the seasons of this that were out and really enjoyed it. We're all caught up now and enjoying it.

The nerd humor doesn't bother me, in fact, I frequently identify with it a little bit. It doesn't blow my mind or engage me on anything higher than a good strong chuckle-level, but it is consistently worth 30 minutes of my time on Monday nights.

Anyway, I too have really enjoyed Sheldon's growth this past season, and the way Penny interacts with him.
I would like it more if half the guys were just nerds instead of apparently being fully retarded.
There's a thread on this show? Awesome. While my wife was on bed-rest during her pregnancy, we Netflixed all of the seasons of this that were out and really enjoyed it. We're all caught up now and enjoying it.

The nerd humor doesn't bother me, in fact, I frequently identify with it a little bit. It doesn't blow my mind or engage me on anything higher than a good strong chuckle-level, but it is consistently worth 30 minutes of my time on Monday nights.

Anyway, I too have really enjoyed Sheldon's growth this past season, and the way Penny interacts with him.
Last night's episode was great. Sheldon's prank gone right (and wrong) at the time was hilarious.
"Good TV" is whatever people decide for themselves. This to me is good TV. I know all about the stereotypical blah blah blah. It's part of the show. Not everyone's going to find it funny. Not everyone finds everything funny. As much as we like HIMYM or Psych, there are people who don't like it. To them that's not good TV.

IMO, it's a shame there aren't more people who enjoy this show on here. Seems the only others are Mole and HBM, who barely even post anymore.

I hear you call Ice!

This show is great. That is all.
It's not bad. It's just... simple. And easy.

I would rather watch something more worthwhile.