The Beatles discussion thread

Re: Teh Beatles OMG FINALLY LOL!!!!!!1111111

I somehow got to talking about music with my mom a few days ago (Very strange.) and she told me that she actually has a few old Beatles records sitting in a trunk in the house. Last night she dug them up. One of them is an old greatest hits collection and the other is "1962-1966" and "1967-1970" collections.

Now I just have to track down a record player.

I cannot wait to hear "A Day in the Life" on vinyl.
Re: Teh Beatles OMG FINALLY LOL!!!!!!1111111

its pretty sweet.

i have sgt. pepper's (original), abbey road (repring/re-press), 1962-1966 (original), and 1967-1970 (original) on vinyl.

assuming your mom has listened to those records before, id recommend searching for vinyl mp3 rips online. like Dr. Ebbetts. They do the rip with a fresh vinyl, so the sound is perfect.
Re: Teh Beatles OMG FINALLY LOL!!!!!!1111111

I've searched the internet up and down for Dr. Ebbetts stuff and all I get is vague references and broken links.
Re: Teh Beatles OMG FINALLY LOL!!!!!!1111111

I have most of the American releases on vinyl. The originals. They are awesome. You have to get a record player and spin Strawberry Fields Forever, Rain, and Revolution 9 backward.
Re: Teh Beatles OMG FINALLY LOL!!!!!!1111111

Moony, I PM'd you.

and E is totally right about the amazingness of those 3 songs backward (esp Rain and SFF).

and I am the Warus and Help! are damn good, but I bet over time, Gamma Man, that your preferences will change. ;)
Re: Teh Beatles OMG FINALLY LOL!!!!!!1111111

1000 posts! congrats gamma

and "help me rhonda" isnt the beatles. it's the beach boys.

do yourself a favor and stop using limewire. instead, use what i just PM'd you.

and to both Moony and Gamma:

I recommend Mono recordings up through Magical Mystery Tour, and Stereo recordings from Rubber Soul through Abbey Road/Let It Be (whichever you consider their last). Which DOES mean you will double up on Rubber Soul, Revolver, Sgt. Pepper's, and MMT, but trust me, it's worth it for those four. Both versions are great.

Tomorrow Never Knows in Mono= :shock:

and to gamma man: it's "Carpe diem". carpe, not carpai ;)
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Re: Teh Beatles OMG FINALLY LOL!!!!!!1111111

In other Beatles related news, this arrived in the mail for me today:


The way they're all contrasted out makes some of them look exactly like marvelman's casting choices from my Beatles biopic.
I have most of the American releases on vinyl. The originals. They are awesome. You have to get a record player and spin Strawberry Fields Forever, Rain, and Revolution 9 backward.
I can only imagine.

I don't care what they say, Paul really is dead!
Moony, I PM'd you.
Thank you so much.

I'm downloading right now.
I recommend Mono recordings up through Magical Mystery Tour, and Stereo recordings from Rubber Soul through Abbey Road/Let It Be (whichever you consider their last). Which DOES mean you will double up on Rubber Soul, Revolver, Sgt. Pepper's, and MMT, but trust me, it's worth it for those four. Both versions are great.
I shall have to give all those different versions a listen and decide which version of each deserves the scarce and coveted space on my iPod.
Limewire is the bane of teh Intarwebz.
...I use Limewire. But I've developed various systems in order to make sure files are exactly what I'm looking for.
Re: Teh Beatles OMG FINALLY LOL!!!!!!1111111

Can I have a PM from Marvelman? I've just been PMing the album names and downloading them from Rapidshare, but I keep coming across dead links and bad quality songs...
Re: Teh Beatles OMG FINALLY LOL!!!!!!1111111

After downloading everything and listening to a bunch of different songs, I think I'm giving the All-Important iPod space to the stereo mixes. Mono is fine (Tomorrow Never Knows does indeed sound pretty cool in mono) but it just feels kind of...flat. I prefer stereo.
Re: Teh Beatles OMG FINALLY LOL!!!!!!1111111

After downloading everything and listening to a bunch of different songs, I think I'm giving the All-Important iPod space to the stereo mixes. Mono is fine (Tomorrow Never Knows does indeed sound pretty cool in mono) but it just feels kind of...flat. I prefer stereo.

yer foolin' yerself.
Re: Teh Beatles OMG FINALLY LOL!!!!!!1111111

After downloading everything and listening to a bunch of different songs, I think I'm giving the All-Important iPod space to the stereo mixes. Mono is fine (Tomorrow Never Knows does indeed sound pretty cool in mono) but it just feels kind of...flat. I prefer stereo.

Interesting note: The Beatles (and I imagine most other recording acts of that era) put a lot of work into the mono mixes because they were considered the official mixes. When it came time to do the stereo mixes many times the band (and sometimes even George Martin) weren't even in the studio and they were done by engineers. The stereo mixes were always done as a sort of afterthought.
Re: Teh Beatles OMG FINALLY LOL!!!!!!1111111

This mono/stereo/UK/US stuff is confusing. I was downloading the UK mono versions, but I've been downloading the UK stereo versions, especially for the later albums, which marvelman recommended.

When I'm finished, I guess I'll go back and get all the different versions I've missed. But the Beatles are good. Damn good.

I wish the releases were more consistent though.

Also: my plan is to just download the UK albums. Apparently a bunch of popular songs are not on these, and I'm going to have to get various Anthology albums and different EPs? What do I need to do?
Re: Teh Beatles OMG FINALLY LOL!!!!!!1111111

Revolution 9... what the ****.
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Re: Teh Beatles OMG FINALLY LOL!!!!!!1111111

i'll find the link to the singles download for you.

but they're all in mono.

but that's better anyways.

but yeah, anything not on those albums on those sites i linked to, i will send to you via the soon to come link
and stick with the UK versions; they're typically considered the "official" versions.

EDIT: cancel that- the website that used to host the singles collection has been shut down. :/ sorry!

Just use the method I sent you to search, and vary the artist and album names if one combo doesnt work. search for rapidshare predominantly- its the most commonly used.

EDIT again:

Revolution 9 is the **** in stereo with good speakers. Love that "song."
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Re: Teh Beatles OMG FINALLY LOL!!!!!!1111111

yer foolin' yerself.
Interesting note: The Beatles (and I imagine most other recording acts of that era) put a lot of work into the mono mixes because they were considered the official mixes. When it came time to do the stereo mixes many times the band (and sometimes even George Martin) weren't even in the studio and they were done by engineers. The stereo mixes were always done as a sort of afterthought.
Oh, it's not like I don't have the mono mixes, it's just that I prefer stereo.