Human Torch: "Fire Exemption Test"
• He counts Blade among the heroes present but the Blood Moon is still up meaning it's not after Blade is freed. Spider-Man is present meaning he hasn't joined the Web Warriors yet. I think it can go before Squirrel Girl's story.
The Thing: "Gangs of Yancy Street"
• T'Challa's become a Rogue Vampire King and Ben's been looking for him meaning that at the very least this is after Mister Fantastic's story. I'm not sure if this goes before or after Midnight Mission. The story suggests that T'Challa has been amassing followers for some time which could be when he faces off against the Blood Hunters. But at the same time this story ends with T'Challa's vampirism returning and agreeing to let Reed help him. Since the Bloodbros and F4 are on opposing sides it'd make since for T'Challa and his loyalists to face off against them. Right now I'm leaning towards the former and placing after the "At Your Service" gallery card since I feel like Black Panther being around would've been mentioned