That's because it's the time of the year where I return! Always expect the weird , the pointless and the stupid.
That's because it's the time of the year where I return! Always expect the weird , the pointless and the stupid.
I thought that was my job
Transformers is good! unless you mean the movies.
Also no team-up. I work alone lol
I don't know if I can say it was worse that Spider-Man 3. I actually liked the first hour of ASM 2 a lot. But It's just crap after that. Spider-Man 3 was crap all the way through.
Eh. The movies certainly are horrible, and the original cartoon and comics are probably much better, but I've been reading through the IDW series and haven't been impressed yet.
I don't know if I can say it was worse that Spider-Man 3. I actually liked the first hour of ASM 2 a lot. But It's just crap after that. Spider-Man 3 was crap all the way through.
Eh. The movies certainly are horrible
I agree with cap. For the most part ASM wasn't a bad movie. Yes, the plot fell apart towards the end. But there was some fun parts to this movie. Sometime I feel like comic fans take their moves way to seriously. Out of all the types of movies we are the most critical of fans. I've seen a lot of bad movies (including comic book movies) that were much worst than this.
I've seen a lot of bad movies (including comic book movies) that were much worst than this.
I hate when people say things like this.
The existence of worse movies doesn't make this ASM a good movie, or any less bad.
I feel like comics readers do this way too often. Stop comparing the quality of something to other things which aren't related and the quality of which has no bearing on its quality.
Exactly. Just because you stepped on a LEGO and got got shot in the hand doesn't mean your hand doesn't hurt anymore. They both still hurt, one is just more painful than the other.
Going on a bit of an off-topic tangent here, but I feel like this is the reason we get so many sucky comics. "Well at least it's not as bad as (fill in the blank)" or "at least it's better than (fill in the blank)."
For as much goodwill and excitement as there is, there is also this real, very off-putting air of arrogance and anger and hostility that is at the same time very baffling, because they will continue to buy something solely to hate it, which I think is something unique only to comic books.
This reminds me of a great quote by Mike Costa Which is absolutely true. Regardless of how much hate Jeph Loeb gets he's almost always a top seller. One of the most common phrases I've heard from comic fans is "I'm only buying this to see how bad it is"