Captain Canuck
The poster formerly known as captaincanuck65
Re: Amazing Spider-Man 2 (news)
I think there's a difference between refusing to drop a crappy comic even though you don't like it and continuing to read your favourite character's book when it's mediocre because you collect it. But I also agree that going to the movies is too expensive to do just because you feel like you have to. Heck, I'm not even going to buy this on DVD until it's been out for a while and is on sale.
It's better than Spider-Man 3, if that means anything.How bad is this? I almost went to see it the other day just because I kind of feel obligated to, but I've heard it's TERRIBLE, so I didn't. It is bad bad, or so bad that it becomes entertainingly bad?
I thought they were done really well. Again, the character interactions were the greatest part of the movie.No. They weren't.
Yeah. Actually, this is true.Spider-Man: Blue shows that that would have been a very good idea.
This is a great question, and one I've tried to ask of people who "stick with" bad books out of loyalty or something similar.
If you continue to give people money for making sub-standard quality stuff, guess what? They're going to keep making sub-standard quality stuff. Whether it's because they think that's what people want or because they are getting away with it; it doesn't matter. You are helping dictate the direction they go in when you spend money.
I just can't understand the mentality of feeling like you owe a company something. THEY owe YOU something. Hold them accountable and force them to make good things.
I think there's a difference between refusing to drop a crappy comic even though you don't like it and continuing to read your favourite character's book when it's mediocre because you collect it. But I also agree that going to the movies is too expensive to do just because you feel like you have to. Heck, I'm not even going to buy this on DVD until it's been out for a while and is on sale.
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