Terminator - Timeline

RoboCop versus The Terminator is also the official sequel to RoboCop 3, just to note. They do reference John Connor so I assume that the first two Terminator films are canon to RoboCop.
@Megatron for your Robocop are you only adding the movies or are you also adding the comics that are canon to the main timeline?
i'm trying to do a composite (excluding the 2014 reboot). btw i arrived to the tempest timeline. So as for the other franchaises i'm in 2004.
Also, Prime Directives' date for Alex Murphy's death wouldn't be counted I assume? If Prime Directives is even counted.
yup. I'm counting the novels timeframe coz is the one that makes more sense considering the tecnology progress of the Alien vs. Predator Universe.
if u want i can publish it here to let u guys know what i did. But i'll continue to work on it privately. As I respect Pro Bot's hard work and dedication to all these 80s brands.
Are the timelines here treated as their own universes or are their divergences?
@Pro Bot Currently watching Terminator 0 on Netflix.
The "Present-Day" segments take place in Tokyo on August 29th (August 28th in L.A.), 1997, while the Future is sometime in 2022. And going off of the dialogue, it appears that Malcolm Lee and the Resistance are aware of there being different timelines.
Not gonna lie, but
the Police Station massacre as the Terminator hunted Kenta, Hiro and Misaki gave me flashbacks to the T-800's Police Station massacre in 1984 while it hunted Sarah Connor.
Okay, so sh*t got real @Pro Bot...
Malcolm is actually from the future (one that seems to be from before the start of the series), having been born in a post-Judgement Day 2025. We see that, plus 2032, 2037, 2040 and 2045 scenes. We also see him and Misaki (a cyborg) travelling back to 1983.
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... okay, what the actual fu-
So Eiko was Malcolm's mother?! And a future Kenta (who apparently brokered peace between Mankind and Skynet) sent the Terminator back in time to stop Kokoro?
@Pro Bot I need this explained. Help me understand.