This one's just sad, because Kevin Maguire is usually a better artist than that.
This one's just sad, because Kevin Maguire is usually a better artist than that.
I don't even know who it's supposed to be or what it's from; it's just a regular forum reaction pic.
ProjectX2 said:Frank Cho is awesome!
He's definitely awesome at drawing Venom's mouth badly.
Just saw this in an old Avengers thread:
Not bad art per se, but that second panel makes Steve look like a fat midget with his pants down.
This is just bad... but still much better than I could ever do.
Jaggyd said:While I'll freely admit, I'm a huge Quitely fan... there are moments where it's like "What the **** man??"
Totally agreed, and 99% of the time it's with shocked or surprised faces.