I was just thinking the same thing when I noticed this thread (before clicking on it)! :lol:The entirety of She-Hulk #5. Holy crap that was bad.
I don't think the artist is doing anymore than this.I just finished it. What a shame. I might have to drop this. The story is decent but I don't want to pay for that art. I can kind of see a style there that's not too bad, but the faces he draws are terrible, and the Inspector Gadget limbs all over the place make no sense and look awful.
For those wondering how bad it was (these aren't the worst panels in there, just don't want to spoil stuff)
Such a gorgeous cover too :\
Please tell me the plot involved Tygra getting into some Pym Particles and that the perspective isn't that terrible.
Liefeld is horrific. This may be sacrilegious but I never liked Kirby's art. It just doesn't do much for me. As far as current artists go....nothing hurts my eyes more than Romita Jr's art.