I agree with Kalicki, 100%.
This really isn't Star Trek at all. It's barely even science fiction. It's an excellent, fun, flashy fantasy film, with fantasy characters that have no relevance to Earth and are in no way satirical, whatsoever. Kirk could have been from Pluto and it would have made no difference. It had nothing to do with the human condition, racial tolerance, or even exploration. This movie could actually have been called Star Wars and it would have been more on the money as most of the scenes in space were loud and flashy battles and at no point did the Enterprise actually 'trek' anywhere.
As much as I loved this film, it was absolutely a dumbing down of Trek, so that the hot young moviegoers and Shia LeBoeuf-lovers of the world would pay for cinema tickets. It was less a case of JJ 'revitalising the franchise' as being the guy who had balls enough to wave the white flag and choose flash over substance, because that's what people really want to see. Other than the clever dialogue and the excellent acting, any idiot could have made this movie. Most of the people calling it a 'huge improvement' and 'the best Star Trek movie ever' are people who have openly admitted that they weren't interested in the franchise at all beforehand, so I have no interest in their opinion (but it probably doesn't make any difference, because as evidenced by hilarious Onion videos and pictures of ambulances, they probably have no interest in mine).
But as I said, it was insanely fun, the dialogue was snappy, punchy and sleek, the characters were all portrayed extremely well and Chris Pine is so awesome it made my balls ache. I can't see any of the other Summer films being as much fun as this was.
9/10 in its own context.
Where's Ourchair's review?